plead guilty

plead guilty [pli:d ˈɡilti]  [plid ˈɡɪlti] 

plead guilty 基本解释

动词服罪; 招认

plead guilty 网络解释

plead guilty

1. 服罪:假设禁止辩诉交易,但被告可服罪(plead guilty)而不是诉诸法院,而且他一旦服罪即可减轻处罚. 那么,大多数有罪被告都会服罪,从而检察官既可以节约审判成本又可以节约辩诉交易成本. 如果大多数被告在事实上都是有罪的,

2. 认罪:澳洲法律的基础是无罪推定. 在犯罪嫌疑人(alleged criminal)认罪(plead guilty)之前所有人员和媒体只能假定他们无罪. 我们普通人认为的判决实际上由两部分组成:...

3. 服罪,认罪:17、 arraign vt.提审, 传讯, 责难 | 18、 plead guilty 服罪,认罪 | 19、 jury trial 陪审团审判

4. 承认有罪:defendant 被告 | plead guilty 承认有罪 | acquittal 被宣判无罪

plead guilty 单语例句

1. plead guilty的近义词

1. The animal rights activist told NZPA he " rescued " the hens from Turks farm in November 2006 and indicated he would plead not guilty.

2. But the paper said it could not be determined to which charge he would plead guilty.

3. The judge said Tsang had refused to plead guilty and did not show remorse, and his only motive for the crime was earning money.

4. Under Alabama law, capital murder defendants must be tried before a jury even if they plead guilty.


5. Shania Twain's alleged stalker interrupted her testimony at his trial on Sept 29, 2011 to declare he would plead guilty.

6. The judge said the accused was unrepentant and his refusal to plead guilty forced the victim go through the pain of testifying in court.

7. Prosecutors let him plead guilty in exchange for his cooperation in terrorism investigations.

8. Ney agreed in September to plead guilty to two criminal charges in the congressional corruption probe spawned by disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

9. Cullen agreed to plead guilty to all the murders he committed, and prosecutors in New Jersey and Pennsylvania expect more guilty pleas in both states.

10. Mack plans to plead guilty to the drug conspiracy charge and a weapons charge, according to a plea agreement filed Wednesday.
