1. playwrights在线翻译
1. A number of independent directors and playwrights often come up with creative works, but it is usually hard for them to find financial backers.
2. Publishers have even approached them about publishing their love letters, and playwrights are also showing interest in transferring their love story onto the screen.
3. One recent graduate from a writing program established by the Urban Arts Partnership will be selected to join the playwrights.
4. What do you think of the great playwrights from the old days, such as Lao She and Cao Yu?
5. A series of contemporary dramas written by German playwrights will be staged by Chinese performers.
6. His influence has been felt throughout British literature, and across the ocean in the work of American playwrights Sam Shepard and David Mamet.
7. The Standings bartender called Playwrights to ask which employees had been in his bar.
8. He said he could never help wondering why there were no Tibetan playwrights.
9. Some critics point out that the Chinese theatre scene badly needs good scripts and talented playwrights.
10. Many playwrights are now busy writing for the booming TV film industry, because of the high pay.