

playfulness 基本解释
playfulness 网络解释


1. 嬉闹,顽皮,快活:Felicity 幸福、快乐,(语言)得当、得体 | Playfulness 嬉闹,顽皮,快活 | Pedantic 卖弄学问的;学究式的,迂腐的.

2. 取乐:Dandyism 享受 | Playfulness 取乐 | Flamboyance 炫目

3. 沉默-游戏-摇摆-漂流--相田武文的设计轨迹:48.The new building embodied the idea o... | 49.Silence, Playfulness, Swing, Drifting--Works of Japanese Architect Takefumi Aida沉默-游戏-摇摆-漂流--相田武文的设计轨迹 | 50.The author of the guidebook ...

4. 玩笑; 嬉闹 (名):playfully 好游玩地; 开玩笑地 (副) | playfulness 玩笑; 嬉闹 (名) | playgirl 好寻乐的女子 (名)

playfulness 单语例句

1. Han has got away with his " antics " partly because he has camouflaged his seriousness with layer upon layer of playfulness.

2. playfulness的翻译

2. You may say sometimes he is as playful as Wang Shuo, yet it's a very different kind of playfulness.

3. playfulness

3. There's a lot of playfulness and variety, and the whole space feels inviting.

4. For the owners, nothing compares with the love and playfulness of the cute and friendly creature.

playfulness 英英释义


1. activities that are enjoyable or amusing

    e.g. I do it for the fun of it
           he is fun to have around

    Synonym: fun merriment

2. playfulness在线翻译

2. a disposition to find (or make) causes for amusement

    e.g. her playfulness surprised me
           he was fun to be with

    Synonym: fun

3. a festive merry feeling

    Synonym: gaiety
