play truant

play truant [pleɪ ˈtru:ənt]  [pleɪ ˈtruənt] 

play truant 基本解释

逃课; 旷课,逃学

play truant 相关例句

play truant的近义词


1. In my last year I played truant a lot.

play truant 网络解释


1. 逃学:不过那时我整天吊儿郎当(fool around)的,经常逃学(play truant),结果老师诉诸(resort to)武力,也就是体罚(physical punishment),我真的很痛苦. 后来我在大学当了老师,本来想报复(revenge),可是一想到为人师表,我放弃(give up)了这个想法.

2. 逃学 truant 逃学者:33. Utah 犹他州 | 34. play truant 逃学 truant 逃学者 | 36. splendid 极好的

3. 逃课:渴望奇迹wish for wonder, | 逃课play truant | 点名call the roll, call your names

4. 旷课:miss a lesson 缺了一堂课 | play truant 旷课 | Party secretary's office 党(总)支书记办公室

play truant 单语例句

1. He says he would often play truant from school just to get back at his father.

2. They are so happy that they play truant and ask their parents for more money and even commit crimes to get money for games.

3. Studies found that many of these children feel lonely, do not perform well in school and play truant.
