play down

play down[plei daun] 

play down 基本解释

轻描淡写; 故意缩小…的重要性; 和善地对待; 放低身价

play down 网络解释

1. 对......不太重视:Audience Rating: 收视率 | Play Down: 对......不太重视 | Floor Trader: 场内交易人

2. 降低:play down one's tune 降低调子 | play down 降低 | play ducks and drakes 玩打水漂生意

3. 淡化:毫无根据 unfounded and unsubstantiated | 淡化 play down | 清洗及消毒 cleanse and disinfect

4. 减少、降低:7. stun:惊吓 | 8. play down:减少、降低 | 9. nibble:轻咬

play down 词典解释

1. 降低…的重要性;贬低;淡化
    If you play down something, you try to make people believe that it is not particularly important.

    e.g. Western diplomats have played down the significance of the reports...
    e.g. He plays down rumours that he aims to become a Labour MP...

play down 单语例句

1. play down什么意思

1. Seven players of Croatian descent play for Australia, while three of Croatia's grew up Down Under.

2. Bush sought on Tuesday to play down concerns that China was trying to crowd the United States out of energy markets.

3. A frank exchange of views over thorny bilateral trade issues can do more good for both sides than deliberate efforts to play down the problems.

4. The difference is patients with depression can often give detailed descriptions of their memory problems, while people with dementia tend to play them down.

5. After their current North American club series ends later this month, they will play European festivals and then head down to South America in November.

6. play down

6. Inter coach Roberto Mancini was keen to play down the significance of the increasing gap.

7. In it I play a dwarf, and he had me shove a midget down a toilet.

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell did not elaborate on the findings but appeared to play down the likelihood of any major revelations.

9. Play broke down the other end and Fletcher cut inside the penalty area but his effort was marginally off target.

10. " We put down the hockey field of play a year before the Olympic competition starts, " he said.

play down 英英释义


1. play down的反义词

1. understate the importance or quality of

    e.g. he played down his royal ancestry

    Synonym: background downplay
