play along

play along[plei əˈlɔŋ] 

play along 基本解释
play along 网络解释

1. 合作:play along with 参与 | play along 合作 | play around 玩耍

2. 假装玩玩?嗯:we just kinda sort of play along.|我们只是假装玩玩 | Play along?|假装玩玩?嗯 | Do you have a restroom?|你们有洗手间吗?

3. 参与合作:gives them a way in.|可以给他们加入的机会 | Play along.|参与合作 | Mbeki must think you are just a...|贝提肯定会认为你只是一个

4. 假装合作:NORAD:North American Aerospace Defense Command,北美防空司令部 | play along:假装合作 | fly in the face of:直接违反

play along 单语例句

1. A healthier you could come in handy when play time comes along or if you get the urge to be physical and indulge your senses.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. In the futuristic building located along the River Weichsel, visitors can play with virtual butterflies or watch robots write poems.

3. She has proved that she can play parts that either go along with her beauty or in spite of it.

4. " None of it is for real but we play along, " they joked.

5. play along

5. International volunteers along with students play the " newspaper rolling " game in Shahe Experimental School in Beijing on April 27.

6. play along的反义词

6. He gets along well with other children and loves to play soccer.

7. They can see through these politicians'tricks and treacheries, but still play along.

8. play along什么意思

8. He then pushes the artists to play along those lines until he hears the beginnings of a song.

9. The local government had warned people not to play along the beach because it is dangerous.

10. Animosities can also play along Italy's traditional divide between its wealthy north and its underdeveloped south.

play along 英英释义

play along的解释


1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. perform an accompaniment to

    e.g. The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano

    Synonym: accompany follow


2. cooperate or pretend to cooperate

    e.g. He decided to play along with the burglars for the moment

    Synonym: go along
