
platoon [pləˈtu:n]  [pləˈtun] 



platoon 基本解释


名词<军>排,团; 一群,一组; 〈美〉警察队

platoon 网络解释


1. 野战排:这类片子还挺卖座,好几个还得了奥斯卡奖,如<< 野战排>>(Platoon)、<<早安越南>>(GoodMorning,Vietnam)、<<猎鹿人>>(DeerHunter) 等等. 还有个<<蓝波>>(Ranbo)系列更活灵活现,总之是战场上打输了银幕上打赢了. 谁 说阿Q精神是中国的土特产?

2. 排:58岁的奥利弗-斯通一度是好莱均炙手可热的大导演,执导过<<华尔街>>(Wall Street)、<<惊天大刺杀>>(JFK)、<<天生杀人狂>>(Natural Born Killers)、 <<野战排>>(Platoon)等极富影响力的影片.

3. 小队:六个中队 中校I 连或 中队 (company) 六十到二百五十人 三到六个排或 小队 上尉或 少校排或 小队 (Platoon) 二十五到四十人 两个班以上或 分队 少尉或 中尉组 (section or patrol) 八到十二人 两个伍以上 中士或 上士班或 伙,

4. 杀戮战场:(路透社) (本报讯)好莱坞男星查理辛(Charlie Sheen)在耶诞节因为家暴遭美国科罗拉多州警方逮捕,警方查出家暴始末,原来查理辛持刀威胁妻子穆勒(Brooke ...曾参演电影<<杀戮战场>>( Platoon)及<<华尔街>>( Wall Street)的荷李活男星查理辛( Charlie Sheen),

platoon 词典解释

1. (通常由中尉指挥的)排
    A platoon is a small group of soldiers, usually one which is commanded by a lieutenant.

platoon 单语例句

1. platoon的解释

1. Five soldiers from the platoon have been charged with murder and conspiracy in the deaths of three unarmed Afghan men last year.

2. A Humvee broke down, which led to the splitting up of his platoon.

3. platoon

3. Aaron Eckhart stars in the film as a veteran soldier leading a platoon of Marines fighting against the alien invaders.

4. At the time, it said Tillman's platoon had been split into sections during the fatal combat patrol.

5. It has also sent a platoon of commandoes to take part in fighting operations in Afghanistan.

6. Jia was named acting platoon commander four times, but is still squad leader.

7. According to a Staff Sergeant in the US Marines, his platoon killed 30 civilians in six weeks.

8. The " Platoon " screening precedes the film's May 30 release as a digitally remastered DVD.

9. Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan will send an airborne platoon and staff officers respectively.

10. Zhuang was nominated to be a platoon leader in charge of female soldiers.

platoon 英英释义



1. a military unit that is a subdivision of a company
    usually has a headquarters and two or more squads
    usually commanded by a lieutenant

2. a team of policemen working under the military platoon system

3. a group of persons who are engaged in a common activity

    e.g. platoons of tourists poured out of the busses
           the defensive platoon of the football team
