
plank [plæŋk]  [plæŋk] 



plank 基本解释


名词(厚)木板; 支持物; 政纲条目

及物动词在…上铺板; 重重放下; 立即付款

plank 相关例句


1. He planked down his ten thousand.

2. He planked the well over.

3. She planked down the package.


1. The main plank in his election campaign is tax reform.

2. They performed on a makeshift stage of wood planks.

plank 网络解释

1. 板材:锯材又分方木( square timber )、板材( plank )和规格材( dimension lumber ). 方木是指直角锯切且宽厚比小于 3 的,截面为矩形或正方形的锯材. 板材是指宽度为厚度 3 倍或 3 倍以上的矩形锯材. 规格材是指按轻型木结构设计的需要,

2. 木板:既然已经入了黑社会,我就开始向以色列人旁敲侧击地打探消息,结果真不巧,的确不是他们三人绑架了法老女儿,不过他们给我了块木板(plank),允许我自由进出后面的秘密基地.

3. 厚木板:比赛(race)的哥哥真优雅垃圾(litter)前的哥哥放光辉雨前(rain)的哥哥拣谷粒绳前(rope)的哥哥在摸索b在lank前变空格(blank)f在lank前是侧翼(flank)p在lank前厚木板(plank)前面加C是曲柄(crank)前面加f真坦白(frank)前面加p才

4. 板:(from Innercircle) 答:规定车底木板(plank)的厚度就是不容许车量运用地面效应所产生的真空吸盘作用...也因此规定车身与地面要有一定的高度... 问:好象车手要通过尿检,是在什么时候检的?赛前人多不好验,

plank 词典解释

1. 厚(木)板;板条
    A plank is a long, flat, rectangular piece of wood.

    e.g. It was very strong, made of three solid planks of wood.

2. (团体或政党的)政纲条目;(政策或纲领的)要点
    The main plank of a particular group or political party is the main principle on which it bases its policy, or its main aim.

    e.g. Encouraging people to shop locally is a central plank of his environment policy.

plank 单语例句

1. The carpenter got a plank of wood and used it as a skateboard to get to the children and pull them to safety.

2. plank的意思

2. Builders are constructing 500 movable plank houses that will last for about three years, giving local residents enough time to rebuild theirs.

3. With plank houses occupying farms in some 30 villages, planting crops no longer offers a feasible source of income for the locals.

4. A key plank in the stimulus package is the encouragement of inland economic development, which will enable many migrant workers to have more sustainable careers closer to home.

5. Chief Executive Donald Tsang promised a competition law as a major plank in his election platform in 2007.

6. Shuffle Bar has walked the plank and the space refilled with Gaelic electronica.

7. To walk the sky plank travelers must rent a harness, which is required to avoid falling to certain death.

8. plank

8. An ambulance pulled up to a gate at the bottom of the gang plank and then its lights went on and it pulled away.

9. Another memo recommended looking for TV footage of an apparent Democratic debate over a " Gay Lib " plank in that party's platform.

10. plank在线翻译

10. Returning to the talks is a key plank of the UN Security Council resolution imposed against North Korea for conducting its nuclear test.

plank 英英释义


1. plank的翻译

1. an endorsed policy in the platform of a political party

2. a stout length of sawn timber
    made in a wide variety of sizes and used for many purposes

    Synonym: board


1. cook and serve on a plank

    e.g. Planked vegetable
           Planked shad

2. cover with planks

    e.g. The streets were planked

    Synonym: plank over


3. set (something or oneself) down with or as if with a noise

    e.g. He planked the money on the table
           He planked himself into the sofa

    Synonym: flump plonk plop plunk plump down plunk down plump
