形容词悲哀的,哀怨的; 哭诉的; 可怜的; 忧郁的
1. 悲哀的:plaintiff 原告 | plaintive 悲哀的 | plait 辫子
2. 哀怨的:attentive 注意的;有礼貌的 | plaintive 哀怨的 | locomotive 火车头,机车
3. 可怜的/悲哀的/哀愁的/哀诉的/悲哀/哀怨:plaintiff /原告/ | plaintive /可怜的/悲哀的/哀愁的/哀诉的/悲哀/哀怨/ | plaintively /可怜地/悲伤地/
4. 悲哀的, 哀伤的 (形):plaintiff 起诉人; 原告 (名) | plaintive 悲哀的, 哀伤的 (形) | plaintively 悲哀地, 哀怨地 (副)
1. 悲伤的;哀怨的
A plaintive sound or voice sounds sad.
e.g. They lay on the firm sands, listening to the plaintive cry of the seagulls...
e.g. Her voice was small and plaintive.
1. " My boyfriend and I are both 12, " begins the plaintive message posted on the popular children's website.