
placenta [pləˈsentə]  [pləˈsɛntə] 



placenta 基本解释



placenta 网络解释


1. 胎盘:1.胎盘的结构 胎盘(placenta)是由胎儿的丛密绒毛膜与母体的基蜕膜共同组成的圆盘形结构. 足月胎儿的胎盘重约500g,直径15~20cm,中央厚,周边薄,平均厚约2.5cm. 胎盘的胎儿面光滑,表面覆有羊膜,脐带附于中央或稍偏,

2. 胎座:c 胎座(placenta)胚珠在子房内着生的部位称胎座. 常见的胎座有下列几种类型:①边缘胎座(marginal placenta)是由 l心皮构成的单室子房,胚珠沿腹缝线的边缘着生,如白扁豆、甘草等. ②侧膜胎座(parietal placenta)由合心皮雌蕊形成,

3. 胎盤素:近年来,陆续开发出新的、安全有效的合成美白品如美拉白(Biowhite)、杜鵑花酸(Azelaic acid)等. 某些成分如果酸(Fruit acid)可通过促进角质层的代谢、胎盘素(placenta)通过活化细胞和增强色素代谢尔对美白具有辅助功效.

4. [动物]胎盘;[植物]胎座:placebo 安慰剂,空白对照剂 | placenta [动物]胎盘;[植物]胎座 | placental 胎盘的

placenta 词典解释

1. placenta在线翻译

1. 胎盘
    The placenta is the mass of veins and tissue inside the womb of a pregnant woman or animal, which the unborn baby is attached to.

    e.g. The drug can be transferred to the baby via the placenta.

placenta 单语例句

1. But by then, the debate over what some parenting websites call " placenta etiquette " had already been ignited.

2. He delivered the latest controversy hours before the birth by revealing that he was planning to eat his firstborn's placenta and umbilical cord.

3. Umbilical cord blood is collected from the placenta and umbilical cord after the cord has been detached from a newborn.

4. placenta的反义词

4. The couple were only on Friday that the triplets were completely identical when doctors revealed the results of a test on the placenta.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. But two days before then, the placenta broke through wall of Mrs Cohen's uterus and doctors sprang into action.

6. Other causes include insufficient nutrients in the womb, a disrupted placenta or a multiple pregnancy.

7. Oh, and he made a pretty nifty joke about eating the placenta.

8. " The quality of placenta is important as well, " Wang said.

9. In response to the huge sales of placenta online, the Ministry of Health has issued a notice warning that the practice is " against regulations ".

10. placenta

10. Experts believe the baby may absorb powerful chemicals through the placenta which affect the sucking reflex.

placenta 英英释义



1. the vascular structure in the uterus of most mammals providing oxygen and nutrients for and transferring wastes from the developing fetus

2. that part of the ovary of a flowering plant where the ovules form
