1. 小精灵:5、小精灵(pixie)多见于英格兰的康沃尔郡. 它们全身铁青色,身高可长到八英寸,非常顽皮,喜欢耍弄各种各样的鬼把戏,搞五花八门的恶作剧. 虽然它们没有翅膀,可它们能飞行. 据了解,它们会揪住那些没有防备的人的耳朵把人提起来,
2. 贝克:新猎狗 Shenado | 贝克 Pixie | 爱瑞 Arid
3. 小精灵,仙女 女性 凯尔特:Pivari 苏克哈之妻 女性 印度 | Pixie 小精灵,仙女 女性 凯尔特 | Piyali 树 女性 印度
4. 小仙子:Sylvan(森林,精灵族) | Pixie 小仙子 | Sprite 妖精
1. (想象中耳尖、头戴尖顶帽的)小精灵,小仙子
A pixie is an imaginary little creature like a fairy. Pixies have pointed ears and wear pointed hats.
1. Pixie Lott doesn't realise when guys have a crush on her.
2. One person who Pixie isn't dating is Jonas Brothers singer Joe Jonas, despite meeting the American star at a recent awards ceremony.
3. Rihanna's style has already inspired one fellow pop star - her new friend Pixie Lott.
4. Pixie Lott doesn't think fame has boosted her chances of getting a boyfriend but admits she never realises if guys are interested in her.