pituitary gland

pituitary gland [pɪˈtu:ɪˌteri: ɡlænd]  [pɪˈtuɪˌtɛri ɡlænd] 

第三人称复数:pituitary glands

pituitary gland 基本解释
pituitary gland 网络解释

1. 脑垂体:从前的医学界认为脑垂体(Pituitary Gland)是内分泌系统的总司令,它指挥控制各内分泌腺的活动. 现在的新发现表明松果体才是全身的关键机构. 松果体分泌出来的松果体素指挥其他激素,使其他激素维持正常的浓度及正常的循环,而其他激素控制人体的机能.

2. 脑下垂体:垂体瘤 (pituitary tumours) 脑下垂体 (pituitary gland)的功能是分泌荷尔蒙,藉此掌管身体其他分泌荷尔蒙的腺体. 垂体瘤大都是良性的,称为腺瘤(adenomas). 常见的症状是视觉或荷尔蒙水平紊乱. 脊髓瘤 (spinal tumours) 脊髓瘤压迫脊髓神经,

3. 脑(下)垂体(腺):文章摘要:据美国BIOCOMPARE科技新闻网(2006/8/16)报道,美国宾州大学医学院的研究人员发现一个新的机制,由脑下垂体腺(Pituitary Gland)分泌的人类生长激素(human Growth Hormone,以下简称hGH),能被非转译区RNAs(non-coding RNAs)远距调控.

4. 垂体:女性因素排卵问题: 排卵是一个相当复杂的内分泌过程,所牵涉到的内分泌器官包下视丘 (hypothalamus),脑下垂体 (pituitary gland) 及卵巢 (ovary). 而下视丘又受到来自于脑部其他讯息的影响.

pituitary gland 词典解释
pituitary gland在线翻译

1. 垂体腺;脑垂体
    The pituitary gland or the pituitary is a gland that is attached to the base of the brain. It produces hormones which affect growth, sexual development, and other functions of the body.

pituitary gland 单语例句

1. pituitary gland的解释

1. This son of Jewish immigrants had a tumor on his pituitary gland that caused his unusual growth.

2. Yao's gigantism is caused by a benign tumor on the brain's pituitary gland that stimulates her body to secrete excessive amounts of growth hormone.

pituitary gland 英英释义


1. the master gland of the endocrine system
    located at the base of the brain

    Synonym: pituitary pituitary body hypophysis
