
pitfalls ['pɪtfɔ:lz]  ['pɪtfɔ:lz] 


pitfalls 基本解释
陷阱( pitfall的名词复数 );意想不到的困难,易犯的错误;
pitfalls 网络解释

1. 陷阱,未预料到的困难:persevere 坚持 | pitfalls 陷阱,未预料到的困难 | abandonment 放纵,自暴自弃

2. 挫折:be bogged down 陷入泥潭;受阻;使不能前进 | pitfalls 挫折 | watershed 分水岭;转折点;重要关头

3. 圈套,陷阱:paranoia 偏执狂 | pitfalls 圈套,陷阱 | implicit 隐含的

4. 这办法有圈套:普通人以为... conventional wisdom suggests that... | 这办法有圈套 pitfalls: | 压服convince, resisit boldly the authority

pitfalls 单语例句

1. Due diligence services cover critical knowledge of a potential investment and outline the advantages and pitfalls.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. When designing a path patterned after dazzling examples of the world's strongest economies, it's important to pay attention to the pitfalls as well.

3. Several recent cases have tested those legal boundaries and provoked a heated ethical debate on the merits and pitfalls of embryo selection.

4. As China sets about aligning its business practices with the industrialized West, it would do well to avoid such pitfalls.

5. pitfalls

5. Clinton's new job will help her avoid some pitfalls that loom when political access linked to campaign donations.

6. pitfalls的翻译

6. Shifting the yuan trading rules is about the strongest signal Beijing could give that growth downside has diminished and potential pitfalls are manageable.

7. The government should develop regulation that shields people from the pitfalls of private financing while still allowing them to take advantage of its benefits.

8. pitfalls的翻译

8. ASEAN could profit from the experience, while avoiding such pitfalls as an overwhelming structure and red tape.

9. However, the ministers did agree that there are pitfalls to regionalism.

10. But despite the many opportunities, there will be several pitfalls that must be avoided.
