
pirate [ˈpaɪrət]  [ˈpaɪrɪt] 






pirate 基本解释


名词海盗船; 盗版者; 海盗,强盗; 侵害版权者

及物动词抢劫(海上船只); 剽窃,盗用

不及物动词当海盗; 从事劫掠行为

pirate 相关例句



1. There are lots of pirated editions.


1. Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands.

2. A law was passed to squash pop music pirates.

3. Pirates boarded the vessel and robbed the passengers.

pirate 网络解释

1. 海盗:在英语里,除了"海盗"(Pirate)这个词语,还有个和它很像的词叫"私掠船",也叫"官方海盗"(Rrivateers). 他们其实就是被政府招安的海盗,政府给一些海盗船发"证书",允许他们抢劫敌对国家的船只.

2. 盗版:曾经,盗版(pirate)是人人喊打的过街老鼠. 如今,它成了理直气壮地加以维护的政治权利. 盗版党俨然已成为时尚--眼下,从北欧到南美,从北美到非洲,顶风作案者大有人在. 他们以盗版相标榜,不但大呼小叫地为其正名,还树大旗、扯队伍、造声势、拉选票,

3. 海盗船:高耐水度试验机 -F-8的性能如何 简单,修改下答案: F8U/F-8十字军战士战斗机 钱斯.沃特公司是一家以设计制造舰载战斗机见长的老牌飞机制造企业,曾研制过著名的F4U海盗(Corsair)和XF5U飞行薄饼(Flying Pancake)螺旋桨战斗机,以及F6U 海盗船(Pirate)、F7U短剑(Cu

4. 海盗 ","海盗:发现了宝藏,然而他们终究只是海盗海盗(pirate)发现了新大陆,发现了新航道,发现了宝藏,然而他们终究只是海盗海盗(pirate)发现了新大陆,发现了新航道,发现了宝藏,然而他们终究只是海盗海盗(pirate)发现了新大陆,发现了新航道,

pirate 词典解释

1. 海盗;海上劫掠者
    Pirates are sailors who attack other ships and steal property from them.

    e.g. In the nineteenth century, pirates roamed the seas.

2. 道德败坏者;违法者
    You can refer to someone who behaves in an immoral or illegal way as a pirate .

    e.g. Of course I knew Max was a rogue, a bit of a pirate.

3. 非法复制及出售(录像带、录音带、书籍、计算机程序等)
    Someone who pirates video tapes, cassettes, books, or computer programs copies and sells them when they have no right to do so.

    e.g. A school technician pirated anything from video nasties to computer games.
    e.g. ...American manufacturers who've seen their designs pirated in other countries.

Pirated copies of music tapes are flooding the market...
A pirated edition of the book was published in August 1986.

4. 盗版的;盗用的;剽窃的
    A pirate version of something is an illegal copy of it.

    e.g. Pirate copies of the video are already said to be in Britain.

pirate 单语例句

1. pirate的意思

1. Over half of the respondents do not consider buying, uploading and downloading pirate products to be IPR violation if it is for individual use.

2. The suspects fled to a larger pirate vessel without damaging the Kition, but were intercepted by the warship an hour later.

3. He installed netting around the pirate ship so children can safely climb to the top of the flagpole.

4. The destroyer positioned itself between the small pirate boats trying to board the cargo ships and used its helicopter to repel them.

5. According to a notice issued by three relevant central government departments, computer manufacturers and retailers that install pirate software will be punished.

6. pirate的反义词

6. Making and selling pirate disks is still a hidden practice driven by easy money and the lure of cheap entertainment.

7. Residents who find illegal publications at the festival are urged to ring 84251184 to help the government clamp down on pirate publishers.

8. The Indian navy said yesterday it thwarted a pirate attack on a Norwegian tanker in the Gulf of Aden off the coast of Somalia.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. The Chinese merchant ships escorted by a China's fleet sailed on the Gulf of Aden when they met some suspected pirate ships.

10. pirate什么意思

10. The failed state has not had a functioning government for a generation and its lawless coastline provides a perfect pirate haven.

pirate 英英释义


1. a ship that is manned by pirates

    Synonym: pirate ship

2. pirate

2. someone who robs at sea or plunders the land from the sea without having a commission from any sovereign nation

    Synonym: buccaneer sea robber sea rover

3. someone who uses another person's words or ideas as if they were his own

    Synonym: plagiarist plagiarizer plagiariser literary pirate


1. take arbitrarily or by force

    e.g. The Cubans commandeered the plane and flew it to Miami

    Synonym: commandeer hijack highjack

2. copy illegally
    of published material
