
pip [pɪp]  [pɪp] 









pip 基本解释

名词果核; 种子; 小毛病; (纸牌,骰子上的)点

及物动词破壳而出; 打败

pip 网络解释

1. 压力反转点:因此,此处的压力反转点(PIP)也可当作RIP(图8.6). 该系统包括三部分:(i)压力感受器;(ii)可外部加压的灌注水袋;(iii)有内置压力测压通道的pH导管.

2. 破壳而出:远离浮华世界. 已故的美国天才诗人和语源学家约翰.西阿迪(John Ciardi)认为,pipsqueak本是第一次世界大战时德国用的一种高速小炮弹. 据他推测,这种炮弹在破壳而出(pip)之前会制造出呼啸声(squeak),因此得名pipsqueak.

3. (子母画面):提供最新电脑与电视 ( 或视讯 ) 子母画面 (PIP) 功能,让您在使用电脑时,仍可以边看电视 ( 或视讯 ) . 电视提供电视墙预览. 提供四种影像讯号来源 ( 电视、色差端子、 Video 、 S-Video) 之色彩 ( 明亮度、对比、彩度、锐利度、色相 ) 独立调整及设定.

4. pip:peak inspiratory pressure; 吸气峰压

5. pip:picture-in-picture circuit; 画中画

6. pip:process interface process; 作业程序标准

7. pip:profile igntion pickup; 表面点火感测

pip 词典解释

1. pip的近义词

1. (苹果、柑橘、梨等的)种子,籽
    Pips are the small hard seeds in a fruit such as an apple, orange, or pear.

2. 以微弱优势打败;险胜
    If someone is pipped to something such as a prize or an award, they are defeated by only a small amount.

    e.g. It's still possible for the losers to be pipped by West Germany for a semi-final place...
    e.g. She pipped actress Meryl Streep to the part.

3. danci.911chaxun.com

3. (英国广播中的)报时信号
    In Britain, the pips on the radio are a series of short, high-pitched sounds that are used as a time signal.

4. (英国公用电话提示需要投入硬币时的)嘟嘟声
    In Britain, when you make a telephone call from a public telephone, the pips are a signal that you need to put in more money.

5. (在竞赛等中)于最后一刻击败,险胜
    If someone is pipped at the post or pipped to the post they are just beaten in a competition or in a race to achieve something.

    e.g. I didn't want us to be pipped to the post.

pip 单语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. It has called for the end of PIP implant sales and for the start of recipient data collection.

2. Wrap a walnut pip with three layers of gauze and wipe the furniture.

3. His predatory instincts helped Kuwait pip China in the race to reach the last eight of qualification for the 2006 World Cup.

4. Medical authorities in every country that imported PIP implants have launched investigations but have come to different conclusions.

5. Nic just managed to pip Jen to the post, keeping going for around 30 seconds more.

6. That is, if you can figure out what " PIP " means and know to click on it.

7. The State Food and Drug Administration told China Daily on Dec 30 that it has started an investigation into PIP products in China.

8. pip

8. British men pip Italian debonairs by a point, and is comfortably ahead of the Americans.

9. The administration warns those who have purchased PIP implants in China to be wary of potential ruptures.

10. pip什么意思

10. Women with PIP prostheses should be wary of deformation or stiffening, the association says.

pip 英英释义


1. pip

1. a radar echo displayed so as to show the position of a reflecting surface

    Synonym: blip radar target

2. a mark on a die or on a playing card (shape depending on the suit)

    Synonym: spot

3. a small hard seed found in some fruits

4. danci.911cha.com

4. a minor nonspecific ailment

5. pip

5. a disease of poultry


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. defeat thoroughly

    e.g. He mopped up the floor with his opponents

    Synonym: worst mop up whip rack up

2. hit with a missile from a weapon

    Synonym: shoot hit

3. pip的反义词

3. kill by firing a missile

    Synonym: shoot
