pin money

pin money [pin ˈmʌni]  [pɪn ˈmʌni] 

pin money 基本解释


pin money 网络解释

1. 零花钱:11、 你们的早餐通常是牛奶里兑上麦片,或者是在烤香肠(sausage)上泼上西红柿和黄豆一起煮的酱. 49、 你们的方向盘(steering wheel)在右边. 53、 小时候,你有通过劳动从父母那获得零花钱(pin money)的经历.

2. 零用钱:现在流行的每周零用钱(the weekly allowance) 或零用钱 (pin money) 是父母给孩子们用于娱乐(看电影等),或回报孩子们所做家务(扫地、剪草坪、或仍垃圾等)的一笔固定的钱.

3. 私房钱:Pin down with a label 给某人定性,通常是 负面的 | *Pin money 私房钱 | Pinch of salt 将信将疑

4. 外快:外景/nature view | 外快/pin money | 外来词/adopted word

pin money 词典解释

1. (用来买想要的非必需之物的小额)零用钱,私房钱,外快
    Pin money is small amounts of extra money that someone earns or gets in order to buy things that they want but that they do not really need.

    e.g. She'd do anything for a bit of pin money.

pin money 单语例句

1. He also used a crab pattern for a money clip and the auspicious cloud pattern for a tie pin.

2. Her father didn't pin much hope on the project and gave her limited money for marketing.

pin money 英英释义


1. cash for day-to-day spending on incidental expenses

    Synonym: pocket money spending money
