
pigwash ['pɪgwɒʃ]  ['pɪgwɒʃ] 

pigwash 基本解释


名词猪食; 饲猪的厨房剩菜

pigwash 网络解释


1. 猪饲料:pigtailed 梳辫子的 | pigwash 猪饲料 | pigweed 藜

2. 潲水;残食:pigsty 猪栏 | pigwash 潲水;残食 | pile layout plan 桩柱分布图

3. 饲猪的厨房剩菜:pigtailed 梳辫子的 | pigwash 饲猪的厨房剩菜 | pike 税关

4. 猪食:pigwallow 猪打滚的泥水坑 猪浴池 | pigwash 猪食 | pigweed 藜

pigwash 双语例句


1. Now, I`m in contradiction, we kept up raising organic native chickens, I don`t know whether I can make it to sale the chicken only use pigwash to fatten them. Now I am still hesitating about that.


2. With a smile, she dug her hands into the pigwash


3. I have contacted some wholesale dealers, after they came and saw the chickens, they said my chickens are not grown enough, and suggested me to feed the chicken with pigwash for more 20 days.

4. They said the chicken will grow up quickly by feeding with pigwash. The chickens we raise are reared in the mountainside, so the chickens grow slowly.

pigwash 英英释义


1. wet feed (especially for pigs) consisting of mostly kitchen waste mixed with water or skimmed or sour milk

    Synonym: slop slops swill pigswill
