
piecemeal [ˈpi:smi:l]  [ˈpisˌmil] 

piecemeal 基本解释

副词逐渐地; 零碎地; 一件一件

形容词零碎的; 逐个完成的; 一件一件的



piecemeal 相关例句



1. The new high-rise was assembled piecemeal.

2. A wolf tore the lamb piecemeal.


1. The gradual and piecemeal change was welcomed by most people.


1. The work was done by piecemeal.

piecemeal 网络解释


1. 一件件,逐渐的,零碎的:5. intent 意义,含义 | 6. piecemeal 一件件,逐渐的,零碎的 | 7. bubble up 起泡,沸腾,兴奋

2. 粉碎:pieceable 可接合的 | piecemeal 粉碎 | piecework 计件工作

3. 块;部分的:piece 一块 | piecemeal 块;部分的 | piecewise analytic 分段解析的

4. 零碎:piebaldism /斑驳状态/ | piecemeal /零碎/ | piecewise /分段地/

piecemeal 词典解释

1. (变化或过程)逐渐发生的,零敲碎打的,零散的
    If you describe a change or process as piecemeal, you disapprove of it because it happens gradually, usually at irregular intervals, and is probably not satisfactory.

    e.g. Instead of the government's piecemeal approach, what is needed is a radical shake-up of 16-19 education.
    e.g. ...piecemeal changes to the constitution.

piecemeal 单语例句

1. The government has been piecemeal in dealing with the rising property prices.

2. The central government has only begun to provide piecemeal details of when the money will be spent or how it will be divided.

3. Although there is no clear energy policy for Hong Kong, the HKSAR government is implementing piecemeal energy efficiency policies for buildings.

4. The Pentagon offered piecemeal information about operations at the base but was unable to say where the weapons went.

5. He predicted they would come out piecemeal if the administration does not release them on its own.

6. The US also called it a " piecemeal " approach where the final amount was still not known.

7. Piecemeal reforms are simply not enough given the scale of the current challenges.

piecemeal 英英释义



1. one thing at a time

    Synonym: bit-by-bit in small stages step-by-step stepwise


1. piecemeal

1. a little bit at a time

    e.g. the research structure has developed piecemeal

    Synonym: little by little bit by bit in stages
