1. 酸洗:此外,Poligrat还有不锈钢表面酸洗(Pickling)及钝化(Passivation)处理,不?钢酸洗药剂没有刺鼻味,无空污困扰,操作者不需使用防毒面具,厂房不会被腐蚀. 其中酸洗刷膏:适於焊道、酸洗槽剂:适於大型酸洗槽,永远不需整槽抛弃置换,只要添加,
2. 腌制:可以生吃(be eaten fresh),叫slicer;也可以腌制(pickling),叫pickler. 腌制黄瓜在美国一般就叫pickles;而在英国则叫gherkins或wallies. 腌制用的小黄瓜(gherkin)与黄瓜在植物学分类上略有不同,一般长度在3-8厘米.
3. 酸 浸:不锈钢锈皮有时不易与酸起作用,若强制除去则会过度酸浸刻蚀基材 (substrate )及产生针孔,所以必需先作脱锈 ( scale loosening ),其配方如下:(1) 脱锈 ( scale loosening ) 配方:(2) 除锈酸浸 ( pickling ) 配方:超音波如果正确使用,
4. 泡浸:physical property 物理特性 | pickling 泡浸 | pier 码头;支柱;墩;桥墩
1. Place each cabbage ball into the pickling jar and press down to express all trapped air.
2. Mix carrot and radish into pickling sauce and let sit for an hour for flavors to develop.
3. pickling
3. An initial investigation found that pickles sold by the restaurant contained nitrite, an ingredient commonly used in pickling that can be fatal in excessive amounts.
4. Traditional earthenware pickling jars have a depressed rim so the cover inverts snugly into a ring of water that prevents air from entering.
5. Salting the cabbage starts a dehydration process that keeps the vegetable crisp even after pickling.
6. This is important as the salt will draw liquid from the fish, and you will have pickling juices dribbling if you use a shallow plate.
7. Herring can also be prepared using other traditional methods, such as pickling in vinegar or smoking.
8. You need to cut the radish into largish cubes, as they will shrink during the pickling process.
9. He decided to make his own, pickling and braising the beef himself.
10. I use the same pickling method on bitter melons, which are quite challenging to cook.