
picker [ˈpɪkə(r)]  ['pɪkər] 


picker 基本解释


名词采摘者; 挖掘者; 采摘机; 采摘工具

picker 网络解释

1. 选择器:pick 选取 | Picker 选择器 | picture 图片

2. 定位装置:pick identifier 挑检标识符 | picker 定位装置 | picking 拾取

3. 手选工:pick mining machine 冲唤截煤机 | picker 手选工 | picket 标杆

4. 采摘者:picked 精选的 | picker 采摘者 | pickerel 小梭鱼

picker 词典解释

1. (通常指为了挣钱的)采摘者,采集者
    A fruit picker or cotton picker, for example, is a person who picks fruit or cotton, usually for money.

picker 单语例句

1. The smelly rubbish violates the rights of other passengers, thus it serves most citizen's benefits to prohibit this rag picker from riding the bus.

2. picker的近义词

2. The Color Picker is a concept pen that can scan colors from and mimic that color for drawing.

3. A rag picker was found dead on the track of Shanghai's Metro Line 1 on Monday morning.

4. The treatment the old rag picker received shows that our civil society is far from ripe and grown.

5. The picker climbs to the top of a more than 60m high cave to pick the nests.

6. On July 30, a late night explosion left one garbage picker injured.

7. It is an unusual view for a stock picker who runs an offering named China Opportunities Fund.

8. My Chinese friend seemed to be an expert picker, selecting only the plumpest of offerings.

picker 英英释义



1. picker的意思

1. someone who gathers crops or fruits etc.

2. a person who chooses or selects out

    Synonym: chooser selector
