1. A study in the journal New Phytologist confirms the gardener's belief that droplets of wat...
2. Now a study in a journal called New Phytologist confirms that water droplets can focus sunlight to the point that it burns, a finding that applies to plants and to people.
3. Now a study in a journal called New Phytologist confirms that water droplet s can focus sunlight to the point that it burns, a finding that applies to plants and to people.
4. Bouma T J%Yanai R D Estimating age-dependent costs and benefits of roots with contrasting life span: Comparing apples and oranges New Phytologist, 2001, null
周焱%罗安程有机肥处理对小麦根系生长、活力和磷吸收的影响 10.3321/j.issn:1008-505X.1997.03.008 植物营养与肥料学报,1997,03