
phobia [ˈfəʊbiə]  [ˈfoʊbiə] 



phobia 基本解释

名词恐惧; 厌恶

phobia 网络解释


1. 恐怖症:曲小管初心理健康教育与咨询 罗瑛主要内容大学生常见心理障碍精神分裂症大学生心理障碍的预防与应对大学生心理干预对策一、大学生常见心理障碍(一)神经症神经衰弱(Neurasthenia) 焦虑症(Anxiety) 恐怖症(Phobia) 强迫症(Obse

2. 畏惧症:畏惧症(phobia)的首要特徵就是畏惧(fear). 畏惧一定有对象:特定性畏惧症患者可能怕动物(老鼠、蟑螂等)、怕自然环境(打雷、黑暗等)、怕打针、怕特殊情境(搭电梯、搭飞机等). 社交畏惧症怕与人社交的环境,担心有人看著自己的表现,

3. 恐怖:12.恐怖(phobia) 指不以病人的意志愿望为转移的恐怖情绪. 病人对平常物品、环境或活动产生一种莫明其妙的紧张恐惧心理. 病人明知不用惧怕,但又无法摆脱和控制其恐惧心理. 如怕脏、怕感染、怕尖锐物、怕空旷的广场、怕得病和怕死亡等,

phobia 词典解释

1. 恐惧;憎恶
    A phobia is a very strong irrational fear or hatred of something.

    e.g. The man had a phobia about flying.

phobia 单语例句

1. I have always been cursed by this debilitating phobia, but experience has not improved matters.

2. Blind worship of diplomas nowadays is as stupid as general phobia against intellectuals in the decades before 1978.

3. phobia

3. Zhang adds that even seeing the doctor is distressing to those suffering from social phobia.


4. Hao told China Daily on Wednesday that epidemiological studies have been identifying people with AIDS phobia for the past 10 years.

5. phobia的翻译

5. Steve was not amused and demanded we not laugh as he revealed the secret phobia he had held since childhood.

6. Most of them had the phobia of their husbands being snatched away by former lovers, in the vortex of Valentine's Day infatuation.

7. The rampant phobia against those with humble family backgrounds will undermine the very foundation of social justice.

8. Zeng Guang and some other medical experts believed that the " patients " might suffer from some kind of psychological AIDS phobia.

9. This China phobia has marked much of India's politics ever since.

10. The man later explained he suffered from flight phobia and would usually cry before he boarded a flight.

phobia 英英释义


1. an anxiety disorder characterized by extreme and irrational fear of simple things or social situations

    e.g. phobic disorder is a general term for all phobias

    Synonym: phobic disorder phobic neurosis
