
philosophical [ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkl]  [ˌfɪləˈsɑ:fɪkl] 

philosophical 基本解释

形容词达观的; 哲学上的,哲学(家)的; 冷静的,沉着的; 明达的

philosophical 网络解释

1. 哲学的:因而具有广泛的代表性和权威性,使<<通则>>能够综合世界各主要法系关于合同法律制度的经实践证明是行之有效的做法,并兼顾不同的社会经济制度的特殊要求,从而有可能在最大程度上解决或折衷调和基于哲学的(philosophical)、政治的(poli

2. 哲学:第一部分:量子理论与意识 前言 这一部分主要讲述<<意识课程>>的科学(Scientific)与哲学(Philosophical)基础. 其中,我们将从三种主要的哲学体系(Metaphysical Philosophy)开始,引出研究有意识心智(Conscious Mind)最常见的设问,

3. 哲学的[廖:phatic maxim 套話的準則[廖369] | philosophical 哲學的[廖235] | phonetic change 語音變化[陶]

4. 这两个单词可通用:economical 节俭的,节省的,经济的 | philosophical 这两个单词可通用 | 5)complimentary 祝贺的,赞美的,恭维的

philosophical 词典解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 哲学的
    Philosophical means concerned with or relating to philosophy.

    e.g. He was not accustomed to political or philosophical discussions.

Wiggins says he's not a coward, but that he's philosophically opposed to war.

2. 豁达的;处之泰然的
    Someone who is philosophical does not get upset when disappointing or disturbing things happen.

    e.g. Lewis has grown philosophical about life.

She says philosophically: 'It could have been far worse.'
philosophical 单语例句

1. Although the story was written for children, it struck a chord with adults for its profoundly philosophical undertones.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. " He hit a lot of great shots, " said a philosophical Mickelson.

3. While no major philosophical issues such as that exist in these negotiations, the sides still don't seem be ready to come to an agreement.

4. Critics call Sui a " pioneer who has pushed the farthest in conceptual and philosophical art " on the mainland.

5. Sarkozy seems disinterested in Chirac's view of France as a philosophical and political counterweight to the global hegemony of the United States.

6. It is meant to reflect the philosophical idea of heaven and earth emerging from " nothingness " and the later advent of humanity.

7. philosophical

7. The strands themselves were complex crystalline shapes, making the installation as architectural as it was philosophical.

8. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

8. " For starters it would be best to view cupping based on its philosophical principle, " Jacques says.

9. philosophical的反义词

9. In our middle schools and universities, the demarcation between philosophical education and politics is very blurred.

10. When America realizes this fact she will truly desist from attacking China and will accept her philosophical framework in international relations.

philosophical 英英释义


1. characterized by the attitude of a philosopher
    meeting trouble with level-headed detachment

    e.g. philosophical resignation
           a philosophic attitude toward life

    Synonym: philosophic

2. philosophical是什么意思

2. of or relating to philosophy or philosophers

    e.g. philosophical writing
           a considerable knowledge of philosophical terminology

    Synonym: philosophic
