






petitions 基本解释
请愿书( petition的名词复数 );上诉状;申诉书;申请书;祈求,请求,请愿( petition的第三人称单数 );请求,申请;
petitions 网络解释

1. 请愿书:这一限制性条款被认为意味着海上的船舶将不会被没收;但议会里有一系列向国王的请愿书(petitions)要求考虑此类没收,它们的内容则与此完全不同. 事实上,没收似乎确实发生了,但是在一个完全不同的法院.

2. 单一申诉窗口:电动平面扶梯 Moving Walkway | 单一申诉窗口 Petitions | 单一窗口 One-stop Window / Customer Service

petitions 单语例句

1. Japanese newspapers have published editorials, community groups have circulated petitions and students have written letters urging Obama to visit.

2. He says administrative litigation reform will lessen the troubles created by the rising number of petitions.

3. The government didn't say what proportion of the farmers'petitions were related to land confiscation.

4. BEIJING - Chinese State Councilor Ma Kai has called on local governments to handle petitions and visits with more care and an innovative management system.

5. The court issued a preliminary injunction last Thursday which blocks the Bush administration from considering the 12 petitions.

6. Textile producers plan to file new petitions soon based on the government's preliminary import data.

7. There has been a sustained decrease in the volume of bankruptcy petitions in 2010.

8. petitions的近义词

8. Wen said officials should act lawfully and with consideration, responsibility and dedication when handling public petitions and complaints.

9. petitions的近义词

9. Hu has made it clear that officials handling petitions will have to deliver the goods.

10. The revised Marriage Law forbids domestic violence and names it as one of four petitions for divorce.
