
pester [ˈpestə(r)]  [ˈpɛstɚ] 





pester 基本解释


及物动词纠缠; 使烦恼; 使为难

pester 相关例句


1. For years Mary had been pestering him to take her to Europe.

2. We were pestered with flies.

3. The beggars pestered the tourists for money.

pester 网络解释

1. 纠缠:conflict 矛盾 | pester 纠缠 | detect 发现

2. (不断打挠,纠缠):pester(不断打挠,纠缠) | Guatemala(危地马拉) | partiality(偏心,不公平)

3. 使困恼:perturb#扰乱 | pester#使困恼 | petrify#变为化石;使发呆

4. 缠扰:daubster 拙劣的画家 | pester 缠扰 | sequester 使分离

pester 词典解释

1. 不断打扰;纠缠;烦扰
    If you say that someone is pestering you, you mean that they keep asking you to do something, or keep talking to you, and you find this annoying.

    e.g. I thought she'd stop pestering me, but it only seemed to make her worse...
    e.g. I know he gets fed up with people pestering him for money.

pester 单语例句

1. pester的反义词

1. Wang Guangling saw this business opportunity thanks to his daughter, who would often pester him for new toys and throw away the broken ones.

2. pester的翻译

2. It would be great if the lawmakers can prevent us from being harassed by the calls and messages that pester us each and everyday.

3. pester的反义词

3. The developer invited the eight people to pester the owners with their antics including cursing at them.

4. They never imagined as teenagers that they would ever get married, much less that friends and family members would pester them about having children.

5. pester

5. There were indeed some very bad ones among them who would blackmail pickpockets or pester some pretty girls.

pester 英英释义



1. annoy persistently

    e.g. The children teased the boy because of his stammer

    Synonym: tease badger bug beleaguer
