
pertaining [pə(:)'teɪnɪŋ]  [pə(:)'teɪnɪŋ] 





pertaining 基本解释
与…有关系的,附属…的,为…固有的(to);有关;适用;关于( pertain的现在分词 );存在;
pertaining 网络解释


1. 附属的:pertain 附属 | pertaining 附属的 | PERTcost 统筹法 成本技术

2. 与......有关的:compulsory report 强制报告 | pertaining 与......有关的 | alphabetical code 按字母顺序编排

pertaining 单语例句

1. Octopus Holdings Limited possesses a good deal of personal information pertaining to Hong Kong and mainland residents.

2. The newly revised Law of the PRC on Officers in Active Service has further perfected the military service system pertaining to PLA officers.

3. All treaties and agreements pertaining to Nepal's ties with Tibet were signed between the competent authorities of China and Nepal.

4. Particularly when it comes to matters pertaining to his domain - epidemic control.

5. She said the company has fulfilled all of its contractual obligations but will nonetheless offer its partners advice pertaining to their communication and transition plans.

6. The Department of Health launched public consultation on the draft code on Oct 26, pertaining to the marketing and quality of formula milk in Hong Kong.

7. So far, scientists have worked out solutions to problems pertaining to environmental control and life support.

8. These simplifications have taken into account the characteristics and needs of both the small enterprises and the users of financial information pertaining to these enterprises.

9. The foreign company is wary of sharing key research and technology pertaining to production.

10. Officials had originally hoped to sign documents last Saturday pertaining to the agreement, hotly debated as Ukraine gears up for a March 26 parliamentary election.
