
persevere [ˌpɜ:sɪˈvɪə(r)]  [ˌpɜ:rsəˈvɪr] 





persevere 基本解释


不及物动词坚持; 坚忍,熬住; 百折不回,不屈不挠; 支撑

persevere 相关例句



1. In spite of all obstacles and failures, the scientist persevered with his experiments.

persevere 网络解释

1. 坚持:压缩缓冲与合并内存补丁包(compressed cache and mergemem)也值得看看John Levon:对那些想要钻研与内核相关的人,我只提供一个简短的建议:坚持(persevere)

2. 坚持,坚忍:persecute 迫害,烦扰 | persevere 坚持,坚忍 | persist 坚持,持久

3. 持之以恒:38.千方百计by every possible means | 39.持之以恒persevere | 40.家喻户晓widely known,known to all

4. 坚持,不屈不挠:persecution 迫害 | persevere 坚持,不屈不挠 | perseverance 坚持

persevere 词典解释

1. 坚持不懈;锲而不舍
    If you persevere with something, you keep trying to do it and do not give up, even though it is difficult.

    e.g. ...his ability to persevere despite obstacles and setbacks.
    e.g. ...a school with a reputation for persevering with difficult and disruptive children...

He is a persevering, approachable family man.
persevere 单语例句

1. Bush showed emotional intelligence in midlife by mastering his problems with alcohol, and in displaying the courage to persevere with unpopular policies.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. They want to respect science and rationality, and persevere in the pursuit for truth.

3. Scholars surrounded themselves with rocks and minerals to inspire, purify the mind and remind them to persevere.

4. Persevere in the Party's absolute leadership over the army and take the road of fewer but better troops with Chinese characteristics.

5. To persevere in the revolution and advance the socialist cause, our Party must uphold the mass line.

6. Persevere in reform and opening up and keep improving the socialist market economy.

7. You must be dedicated to your studies and set you mind on success to ensure you persevere.

8. Every day I tell myself to never give up, to persevere.

9. China's newest Olympic heroes met with Hong Kong youngsters on Sunday morning and urged them to persevere and work hard to achieve their dreams.

10. Discussions on the future role of the United Nations have centered on whether to leave Iraq or persevere in large numbers.

persevere 英英释义


1. be persistent, refuse to stop

    e.g. he persisted to call me every night
           The child persisted and kept asking questions

    Synonym: persist hang in hang on hold on
