
peroration [ˌperəˈreɪʃn]  [ˌperəˈreɪʃn] 


peroration 基本解释

名词(演说等的)结束语,结论; 夸夸其谈的演说

peroration 网络解释

1. 结论:perorate 作结语 | peroration 结论 | perorator 善辩的人

2. 結語:periphrasis-冗言法 | peroration-結語 | personification-擬人化

3. 结论,结束语:identical permutation 恒等排列,元排列 | peroration 结论,结束语 | peroxide 过氧化物

4. 演讲结尾 结束语:rebus 画谜 | peroration 演讲结尾 结束语 | tempo 音乐的拍子

peroration 词典解释

1. (讲话的)结尾,结论,总结
    A peroration is the last part of a speech, especially the part where the speaker sums up his or her argument.

2. 冗长乏味的演说
    If someone describes a speech as a peroration, they mean that they dislike it because they think it is very long and not worth listening to.

peroration 单语例句

1. Scroll back to Bill's first inaugural address and his peroration then, to which Hillary was obviously listening very closely.

peroration 英英释义



1. (rhetoric) the concluding section of an oration

    e.g. he summarized his main points in his peroration

2. a flowery and highly rhetorical oration
