
pegging ['pegɪŋ]  ['pegɪŋ] 








pegging 基本解释


动词用夹子或钉子固定( peg的现在分词 ); 使固定在某水平

pegging 网络解释

1. 反查:已分配物料是指已向库房发出提货单,但尚未由库房发货的物料. 已分配量是尚未兑现的库存需求. 什么是Pegging?Pegging是什么意思? 反查(Pegging)是指在MRP中,对于某个指定的物料项目,通过反查显示该项物料的毛需 ...

2. 追溯:)2 B 4 生产计划 是否有提供使用者输入生产计划(MPS)的机制1 B 4 计划锁交期冻结(FROZEN)1 行动计划行动日期(ACTION DATE)冻结A 10 行动计划(ACTION PLAN)产生1 A 6 计划追溯(PEGGING)1 0 B 4 计划追溯(PEGGING)A 10 结帐方式

3. 溯源:为提供例外报告,可使用多种行动通知(action notices)去提醒用户注意具溯源(Pegging)是识别生成着一种组件需求的父物品的技法. 来自几种父物

4. 钉住:绝对回报是用来测量一投资者或基金经理的安定操作又称为稳定操作,是指为了使有价证券的募集或卖出轻易进行,在不违反主管机关所颁布的规定下,在证券市场连续买卖有价证券,或委托或受托买卖有价证券,以钉住(pegging)、固定(fixin

pegging 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. The yuan to US dollar pegging system was switched to a basket of foreign currencies.

2. This substantial devaluation of the yuan has made many countries angry with China's policy of pegging it to the US dollar.

3. Hu defended China's policy of pegging the yuan to the dollar and said changes to the exchange rate will not come from " external pressure ".

4. pegging的解释

4. China already knows that so there is no fear to continue pegging to protect its trade and existing investments.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. China's policy of pegging the yuan to the dollar is completely a kind of market behavior under the current financial situation at home and abroad.

6. pegging的翻译

6. The nation adopted the policy of loosely pegging the RMB to the US dollar since the financial recession began.

7. If pegging the renminbi to the dollar works, then so be it.

8. pegging在线翻译

8. The yuan has risen more than 9 percent against the dollar in the two years since China stopped pegging it against the US currency.

9. pegging是什么意思

9. Since then the yuan has appreciated by more than 30 percent as China ceased pegging its currency to the dollar.

10. pegging的意思

10. By pegging its currency to an increasingly weaker US dollar, most believe that China is now getting an unfair competitive assist.
