
peewee ['pi:wi:]  ['pi:wi:] 

peewee 基本解释



peewee 网络解释


1. 矮小的:peevish 易怒的 | peewee 矮小的 | peewit 田凫

2. 矮小的小孩动物:peevish 撒娇的 | peewee 矮小的小孩动物 | peewitpewit 田凫的鸣声

3. 老么:Hi, Daddy.|啊,爸 | Peewee...|老么 | marriage is like a business investment.|对待婚姻就应该象进行商业投资一样

4. 少年的(体育项目):slippery:(指物体表面)光滑的, 滑的 | peewee:少年的(体育项目) | aisle:(教堂内用列柱与中堂分隔的)侧廊, 走道

peewee 双语例句

1. We went to Peewee's after lunch and before we knew it, it was going home time.
    我们去了 peewee 的午餐后和之前我们知道它,这是回家的时间。


2. Don't think under pressure. It was one of the worst moments of my life: I was 12, playing peewee basketball, and my team was trailing by a point.


3. Her face is a different shade than the rest of her body and she is not posing like a person who looking at a peewee.

4. After a series of mistakes and miscalculations, a firefight breaks out, leaving both Richie and Peewee wounded.

5. Listen, Peewee. Never tell him.

6. In addition to hassling Freddy, Max also challenges him for the open spot on the peewee hockey team.

7. I want to try out for the peewee hockey team, but so does Max...

8. She also sweeps through his early education as a peewee gangster, truculent son of Italian immigrants and accidental athlete who discovers he can run like the wind, but she gets to the war sooner.

peewee 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. small olive-colored woodland flycatchers of eastern North America

    Synonym: pewee peewit pewit wood pewee Contopus virens


2. disparaging terms for small people

    Synonym: runt shrimp half-pint
