peer review

peer review [piə riˈvju:]  [pɪr rɪˈvju] 

peer review 基本解释

peer review什么意思


peer review 网络解释

1. 同侪审查:在专案之中,管理与技术审查两类一定会存在,而工作阶层的审查(以同侪审查(peer review)方式执行),包含检视、导览及E-Mail审查,则是视案情、文件涉及问题层面的复杂度、最终产品的关键性、编列多少预算实施审查而决定的.

2. 同行审查:由于预算紧张,美国政府对交通研究的拨款逐年减少. 在70-80年代,政府给交通研究的经费每年达15亿美元,如今缩水至2亿美元. 因此,联邦政府鼓励各地的MPO相互交流,通过同行审查(Peer Review)来提高他们的建模水平.

peer review 单语例句

1. peer review的近义词

1. The IMF would be at the center of a peer review process that would assess member nations'policies and how they affect economic growth.

2. It is limited by professional values that are inculcated throughout doctors'training, and which are bolstered by a quiet form of peer review.

3. And the paper did successfully go through the process of peer review for publication in Biology Letters.

4. The research has not yet been published, but the team plans to submit the work for peer review in the coming months.

peer review 英英释义


1. evaluate professionally a colleague's work

    Synonym: referee
