
pedantic [pɪˈdæntɪk]  [pəˈdæntɪk] 

pedantic 基本解释


形容词卖弄学问的; 学究式的,迂腐的; 卖弄笔墨

pedantic 相关例句



1. He is learned, but neither stuffy nor pedantic.

pedantic 网络解释


1. 迂腐的, 学究式的:- dogmatic 武断的, 教条的 | - pedantic 迂腐的, 学究式的 | - contentious 有争议的,好争吵的

2. 书生气的:stereospondylous vertebra 合片椎 | pedantic 书生气的 | jet problem 射流问题

3. 学究式的,卖弄学问的:14. amorous 多情的,色情的 | 15. pedantic 学究式的,卖弄学问的 | 16. generalization 归纳,概括

4. 书生气的,学究气的:Harried 掠夺的,折磨的 | Pedantic 书生气的,学究气的 | Expansive 广阔的,豪爽的,豪华的

pedantic 词典解释

1. pedantic在线翻译

1. 过分拘泥于细节(或传统)的;学究气的;迂腐的
    If you think someone is pedantic, you mean that they are too concerned with unimportant details or traditional rules, especially in connection with academic subjects.

    e.g. His lecture was so pedantic and uninteresting.

pedantic 单语例句

1. The caption reading " education " alludes to his discontent with pedantic education that inculcates ideas in the students.

2. But eBay banned his listing in what he calls a " pedantic and draconian " move.

3. Opponents of pedantic moralists may argue that it is only too natural to ask a university student about her possible dating.

4. When it comes to Vietnamese food I can be a little pedantic.

5. pedantic的解释

5. The novel is widely considered a satire against both the corruption of officials and the pedantic part of Chinese drinking habits.

6. The suggestion seems so pedantic and so pompous that it fails to stand up to even a few arguments.

pedantic 英英释义


1. pedantic什么意思

1. marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects

    Synonym: academic donnish
