patron saint

patron saint [ˈpeitrən seint]  [ˈpetrən sent] 

第三人称复数:patron saints

patron saint 基本解释


patron saint 网络解释

1. 保护圣徒:patrolman 巡逻者 | patron saint 保护圣徒 | patron 赞助人

2. 保护神:保护色,卡其色/war color | 保护神/patron saint | 保留座位/house seat

patron saint 词典解释

1. 主保圣人;守护神
    The patron saint of a place, an activity, or a group of people is a saint who is believed to give them special help and protection.

    e.g. Chiswick church is dedicated to St Nicholas, patron saint of sailors.

patron saint 单语例句

1. Ireland's patron saint Patrick is believed to have stood up against his druid foes on its windswept slopes.

2. Patrick's Day, an Irish Catholic celebration of the patron saint from whom the holiday takes its name.

3. The spirit of Saint Patrick will stagger into the capital once again as Beijingers'celebrate the patron saint of Ireland.

patron saint 英英释义



1. a saint who is considered to be a defender of some group or nation
