patch up

patch up [pætʃ ʌp]  [pætʃ ʌp] 

patch up 基本解释

修补; 包扎; (暂时)解决; 匆匆做成

patch up 相关例句


1. He tried to patch up their quarrel.

2. She has patched up the coat.

patch up 网络解释

patch up是什么意思

1. 修补:patch test of paints on ship hull 实船涂装试验 | patch up 修补 | patch 补钉补片

2. 和解:208. Be on bad terms with 与...互相仇视 | 209. Patch up 和解 | 210.Lost upon 不为...所了解;对...无效

3. 弥合:化作春泥 Sacrifice | 弥合 Patch-up | 欢悦 Jubilant

4. 拼大版:修补程序插板 patch-program plugboard | 拼大版 patch-up | 专利信息检索系统 patent information retrieval system

patch up 词典解释

1. 平息(争吵);修补(关系)
    If you patch up a quarrel or relationship, you try to be friendly again and not to quarrel any more.

    e.g. She has gone on holiday with her husband to try to patch up their marriage...
    e.g. He has now patched up his differences with the Minister...

2. 修理;修补
    If you patch up something which is damaged, you mend it or patch it.

    e.g. We can patch up those holes...
    e.g. He did not have enough money to have the tire patched up, let alone buy a new one.

3. 为…处理伤口;包扎,处理(伤口)
    If doctors patch someone up or patch their wounds up, they treat their injuries.

    e.g. ...the medical staff who patched her up after the accident...
    e.g. Emergency surgery patched up his face.

4. 艰难达成(协议等)
    If people or countries patch up a deal, they manage to agree on it after difficult discussions.

    e.g. Trade ministers patched up a compromise.

patch up 单语例句

1. They patch up a piece of news using untested or even fabricated information, or sink to irrational bashing and smearing.

2. The agreement to patch up the potential $ 600 billion hole is far from a real fix.

3. Exports hit a rough patch in 2008 after the global financial crisis, as the US and European markets virtually dried up.


4. He later broke up with his second lover and wanted to patch things up with his previous one but she snubbed him.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Mark really wants to patch things up but it is early days.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Patch was called up for service in the British army in 1917 when he was working as a teenage apprentice plumber.

7. Patch was called up for service in the British army in 1916 when he was working as an apprentice plumber.

8. patch up在线翻译

8. Working as a judge for over 20 years, she has experience in helping families patch up quarrels and enhance people's legal awareness.

9. patch up的解释

9. Beijing and Tokyo are experiencing their bitterest relations in recent years, and diplomats from both sides are working to patch up ties.

10. But, leaders on both sides tried to patch up the frayed relationship.

patch up 英英释义

patch up


1. mend by putting a patch on

    e.g. patch a hole

    Synonym: patch

2. come to terms

    e.g. After some discussion we finally made up

    Synonym: reconcile make up conciliate settle
