pass the buck

pass the buck [pɑ:s ðə bʌk]  [pæs ði bʌk] 

pass the buck 基本解释
pass the buck 网络解释

1. 踢皮球:特种债券 special bonds | 踢皮球 pass the buck | 提成 deduct

2. 推卸责任:part and parcel 主要部分 | pass the buck 推卸责任 | pass muster 基本合格

3. 互相扯皮:互通有无 each supplies what the other needs | 互相扯皮 pass the buck | 护身法宝 amulet

4. 别指责了/别抱怨了:You are dead meat 你死定了 | pass the buck别指责了/别抱怨了 | holy shit 他*的(加重语气)(holy 神圣的)

pass the buck 单语例句

1. " It is unfair to pass the buck to celebrities, " she says.

2. Yet it remains to be seen whether Apple will successfully be able to totally pass the buck their way.

3. It's easy for them to pass the buck by urging China to exert pressure on the DPRK to reach a compromise.

4. pass the buck

4. For example, some are unaware that they are causing troubles and instead pass the buck to others.
