party girl

party girl [ˈpɑ:ti ɡə:l]  [ˈpɑrti ɡɚl] 

party girl 基本解释
party girl 网络解释

1. 派对女郎:[百变魅惑]派对女郎(Party Girl)甄选 免费得植村秀化妆品、香发微博分享你自己的、你朋友的派对女郎(party girl)照片,

2. 交际女伴:partway 到中途 | party girl 交际女伴 | party government 政党政治

3. 好交际不学习之学生:party down 喝个尽兴 | party girl 好交际不学习之学生 | Parasite Singles 寄生虫单身族

4. 跳舞的女孩:Party Animalz 野性狂欢大派对 | Party Girl 跳舞的女孩 | Party Monster 派对怪兽

party girl 单语例句

1. She was a single party girl when she wrote Sex and the City, but is now a powerful businesswoman who married in 2002.

2. Cruise and Holmes hold an afternoon tea party at their Hollywood Hills mansion on last Friday to celebrate their little girl turning a year older.

3. A witness testified that Leal's brother appeared at the party, agitated that Leal had arrived home bloody and saying he had killed a girl.

4. Party leader Frank Morano is deadly serious about his offer to the party girl and has written to her asking Lohan to stand for something.

5. Lindsay has also hit out against her party girl reputation and insists she is just a young woman having fun.

6. Friends claim Jamie has been a stabilising influence on notorious party girl and she is now ready to settle down.

7. The party girl and tabloid favorite has been paparazzi's number one target of the festival so far.

8. party girl的反义词

8. Man also said the arrested party is not connected to the girl's family.

9. The host adds more fun to the party by having bunny girl waitresses and a choice of exciting headgear to wear.

party girl 英英释义


1. party girl的近义词

1. an attractive young woman hired to attend parties and entertain men
