
particles ['pa:tɪklz]  ['pa:tɪklz] 



particles 基本解释
颗粒;微粒( particle的名词复数 );极少量;小品词;
particles 网络解释

1. 粒子:执行以下操作来检查接收端(Rx-side)缓冲在执行哪些功能:MEMD中txacc的地址. 系统中每个txacc(最多可有4096个)都有一个接收端(Rx-side)缓冲器. 目前被接收端缓冲的粒子数量. 一个数据包可以由多个粒子(particles)组成. 软限制:VIP存储容量较低时的最大粒子(particle)数量. 硬限制:任何时候都可用的最大粒子(particle)数量.

2. 颗粒物:国家质量监督检验检疫总局/国家环保总局/卫生部 一、室内空气应无毒、无害、无异常嗅味 二、室内空气质量标准见表 其中: 室内空气质量参数(indoor air quality parameter) 指室内空气中与人体健康有关的物理、化学、生物和放射性参数 可吸入颗粒物(particles

3. 微粒:其中的气体介质称为连续相,通常为空气;微粒(particles)称为分散相,其成分复杂,大小不一,其粒径一般为0.001-10μm,是气溶胶研究的对象. 微粒为液体的称为液体气溶胶,即气象学上的雾;微粒为固体的称为固体气溶胶,常简称为气溶胶.

4. 小品词:首先,汉语中小品词(Particles)的省略可以引起语言迁移. 英语形合的一个体现之一就是小品词的使用. 英语许多动词要求小品词to与不定式结构配合使用. 但是由于汉语中缺少诸如英语中不定式符号一类的小品词,学习者因而简单的按照汉语结构逐字翻译,

particles 单语例句

1. They perturb particles in the rings by creating " density waves " of gravity spotted by Voyager 2 in 1981 and in other new observations by Cassini.

2. By replacing coal with the straw compressive particles, the company saved ten thousand yuan per month.

3. Babar forces particles to crash into each other and simulate the effects of the Big Bang deep under the Californian landscape.

4. The water passes through a series of filters to catch extremely small particles.

5. And later in the summer CERN plans a public performance of the sound of the erstwhile silent particles by musicians from among its scientific community.

6. CERN used powerful superconducting magnets to force the two beams to cross, creating collisions and showers of particles.

7. particles什么意思

7. If wind borne particles blend with cosmetics, they can have a chemical reaction affecting the skin.

8. China has developed a color ink in which the pigment particles have a maximum diameter of only 200 nanometres.

9. Shale is a sedimentary rock composed of very small particles of clay, mud and sand.

10. In my experience this can become tedious because fine particles clog the filters.
