1. Parliament makes laws.
2. The new system should come into force at the dissolution of the present parliament.
1. 国会大楼:Sharella Motor Inn 在历史名地Thorndon 的植物公园(Botanical Gardens)正对面,国会大楼 (Parliament) 和玫瑰园 (Rose Gardens)也是走路即达. 市中心和博物馆Te Papa Museum 只就在1 km外. 酒店各房间各有植物公园或市中心的景色.
1. 议会;国会
The parliament of some countries, for example Britain, is the group of people who make or change its laws, and decide what policies the country should follow.
e.g. Parliament today approved the policy, but it has not yet become law.
2. 一届议会(会期)
A particular parliament is a particular period of time in which a parliament is doing its work, between two elections or between two periods of holiday.
e.g. The legislation is expected to be passed in the next parliament.
1. An act of parliament would be necessary to enable a member of the upper house to become prime minister in the lower house of parliament.
2. In parliament on Wednesday he denied being slow to act on the report.
3. Following reforms by Putin, parliament has been hugely weakened and provides little oversight.
4. Demonstrators shout their defiance after militiamen acting as police fire in the air in an attempt to disperse the protest in front of Libya's parliament.
5. parliament
5. Although its statute was endorsed by Iraq's democratically elected parliament, critics have questioned the court's legitimacy.
6. parliament
6. Iran has been acting as if the agreement were already in force but has held off ratification in parliament.
7. The new party leader becomes prime minister by virtue of the party's majority in parliament's powerful lower house.
8. The party president is expected to become prime minister by virtue of the LDP's majority in parliament's powerful lower house.
9. Opposition deputies brought proceedings to a halt inside the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday, when they staged an action against the bill about the basics of the language policy.
10. Jurin said the finished policy document would be sent to coalition partners later Sunday, before being discussed at the first cabinet meeting Tuesday and then submitted to parliament.