
parent [ˈpeərənt]  [ˈperənt] 


parent 基本解释

名词父亲(或母亲); 先辈; 根源,起源; 保护者

parent 同义词

动词raise nurture rear

parent 反义词



parent 相关例句



1. She still lives with her parents.

2. Pride is the parent of all evils.

3. He comes of poor parents.

4. His parents are still alive.

5. Industry is the parent of success.

parent 网络解释


1. 双亲:以上列举的都是从双亲(parent)到孩子或者孩子到孩子方向的寻址表达式,借助我们介绍另外一种导航方向:使用parentNode属性从孩子到双亲. 比如:要从每一个

2. 父代:传回 String,表示所提供路径之父代 (Parent) 的绝对路径. 从二进位档案 (Binary File) 读取.

parent 词典解释

1. 父母
    Your parents are your mother and father.

    e.g. Children need their parents...
    e.g. This is where a lot of parents go wrong...

2. parent什么意思

2. 创始的;母公司的;总公司的
    An organization's parent organization is the organization that created it and usually still controls it.

    e.g. Each unit including the parent company has its own, local management.
    e.g. ...the zoo's parent body, the Zoological Society of London.

3. (动物、植物或有机体)亲本的,亲代的
    The parent animal, plant, or organism of a particular animal, plant or organism is the one that it comes from or is produced by.

    e.g. Parent birds began to hunt for food for their young.

parent 单语例句

1. parent的解释

1. The company will also buy out three subsidiaries of its parent company China Unicom Group.

2. Ma functioned like a freelance agent, buying up apartments for his parent's friends and relatives.

3. Murdoch dismissed buying Internet company AOL, which parent Time Warner Inc plans to spin off.


4. Such stores may be branches owned by one company or franchises owned by local individuals or firms and operated under contract with the parent corporation.

5. But actually they are compulsory - in a certain sense - for no parent can afford to keep away their kids from them.

6. parent的解释

6. On the one hand, these programs help promote stability by supporting the parent banks active in the region.

7. Its parent CIC has asked the State Council for a capital infusion in an effort to support the lenders'fundraising plans.


8. He was once a trainee at Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co, the parent of one of the world's largest listed distillers by market capitalization.

9. He was once a trainee in Kweichow Moutai Distillery Co, the parent of one of the world's largest listed distillers by market capitalization.

10. It should just carry on with the role as a loving parent to win the hearts and minds of the citizenry at large.

parent 英英释义


1. an organism (plant or animal) from which younger ones are obtained


2. a father or mother
    one who begets or one who gives birth to or nurtures and raises a child
    a relative who plays the role of guardian


1. bring up

    e.g. raise a family
           bring up children

    Synonym: rear raise bring up nurture
