
parade [pəˈreɪd]  [pəˈred] 








parade 基本解释


动词游行; 展览; 招摇过市; 接受检阅

名词游行; 检阅; 炫耀; 一系列

parade 相关例句



1. The captured criminals were paraded through the streets.

2. These changes were paraded as progress.


1. The myths paraded as modern science.


1. The general inspected the parade.

2. A parade was held on New Year's Day.

parade 网络解释

1. [巡游:早就上了<<浮华世界>>安妮 莱博维茨(Annie Leibovitz)的人物特写专栏,或是纽豪斯拥有的全美几十家日报订用的星期大增刊<<巡游>>(Parade)的内页约瑟夫 普立策(Joseph pulitzer)和威廉 伦道夫 赫斯特(Wlliam豪斯在一九七九年去世,

2. 拨挡:12. Contre attaque 反攻,逆袭 | 13. Parade 拨挡 | 14. Contre parade 反拨挡

parade 词典解释

1. parade的反义词

1. (庆祝重大日子或事件的)游行行列
    A parade is a procession of people or vehicles moving through a public place in order to celebrate an important day or event.

    e.g. A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.

2. 游行;成群结队地行走
    When people parade somewhere, they walk together in a formal group or a line, usually with other people watching them.

    e.g. More than four thousand soldiers, sailors and airmen paraded down the Champs Elysee...
    e.g. Everybody was beginning to parade back to the village.

3. 阅兵式;阅兵典礼
    Parade is a formal occasion when soldiers stand in lines to be seen by an officer or important person, or march in a group.

    e.g. He had them on parade at six o'clock in the morning...
    e.g. Morning parade was in progress on the parade ground.

4. parade

4. 游行展示(旗帜或雕像)
    If flags or statues are paraded, they are carried in a procession.

    e.g. Banners were paraded from church to church on feast days.

5. 将(囚犯)游街;将(囚犯)示众
    If prisoners are paraded through the streets of a town or on television, they are shown to the public, usually in order to make the people who are holding them seem more powerful or important.

    e.g. Five leading fighter pilots have been captured and paraded before the media.

6. parade的意思

6. 拿(某人)炫耀
    If you say that someone parades a person, you mean that they show that person to others only in order to gain some advantage for themselves.

    e.g. Children are paraded on television alongside the party leaders to win votes.

7. parade的翻译

7. 炫耀;展示
    If people parade something, they show it in public so that it can be admired.

    e.g. Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions.

8. 招摇而行
    If someone parades, they walk about somewhere in order to be seen and admired.

    e.g. I love to put on a bathing suit and parade on the beach...
    e.g. They danced and paraded around.

9. 炫耀,展示(情感或品质)
    If someone parades a real or pretended feeling or quality, they draw attention to themselves by displaying it.

    e.g. They parade their virtuous beliefs and hide their vices...
    e.g. Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly.

10. 吹嘘;夸耀
    If you say that something parades as or is paraded as a good or important thing, you mean that some people say that it is good or important but you think it probably is not.

    e.g. The Chancellor will be able to parade his cut in interest rates as a small victory...
    e.g. She might have been paraded as a woman who was working hard to change her ways.

11. parade

11. (多得似乎没有尽头的)一系列
      If you talk about a parade of people or things, you mean that there is a series of them that seems never to end.

      e.g. When I ask Nick about his childhood, he remembers a parade of babysitters.
      e.g. endless parade of advertisements.

12. (常指远离大街的)一小排店铺
      A parade is a short row of shops, usually set back from the main street.

13. (用于街道名称中)商业街
      Parade is used as part of the name of a street.

      e.g. ...Queens Hotel, Clarence Parade, Southsea.

14. see also: hit parade;identity parade

parade 单语例句

1. parade

1. Following a parade of athletes representing 13 teams, the Games was declared open by King George of Greece.

2. Union Jack flags are waved by fans in Trafalgar Square in London during the British Olympic and Paralympic Heroes Parade in 2008.

3. You can also catch group weddings on ice, a Santa Clause parade and the Snow Sprinkling Festival.

4. The carnival is enriched yearly with new events with the last carnival Sunday Parade continuing to be the dominant attraction.

5. Wang said local police did not parade the offenders, but arranged for a bus to carry them to the site.

6. A parade squad made up of 300 people dressing in cartoon costume also showed up on the street to entertain the crowd.

7. Hungary's contribution to the parade will include a replica of the city's famous cathedral and performances by the Mecsek Folk Dance Ensemble.

8. parade

8. The opening ceremony will feature a parade of 22 elaborately decorated floats.

9. A long line of people dressed as folk opera characters parade across town, carrying huge iron pots filled with burning charcoal.

10. She showed up Thursday with her daughter and friends to cheer on her father, who's been performing in the parade for 25 years as a clown.

parade 英英释义




1. a visible display

    e.g. she made a parade of her sorrows

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. a ceremonial procession including people marching

3. an extended (often showy) succession of persons or things

    e.g. a parade of strollers on the mall
           a parade of witnesses


1. parade的反义词

1. march in a procession

    e.g. the veterans paraded down the street

    Synonym: troop promenade

2. walk ostentatiously

    e.g. She parades her new husband around town

    Synonym: exhibit march
