
papaya [pəˈpaɪə]  [pəˈpɑjə] 


papaya 基本解释



papaya 网络解释

1. 木瓜:苹果 芦笋 甜菜(beet) 蓝莓 西兰花 哈密瓜 胡萝卜 菜花 芹菜 辣椒 菊苣(endive玉兰菜) 蒲公英(没错,叶子可以当作生菜吃的)大蒜蔓越莓(cranberry) 柚子(grapefruit) 四季豆 圆白菜 柠檬 芒果 洋葱 木瓜(papaya) 菠萝 李子 水萝

2. 番木瓜:据科技日报报道,番木瓜(papaya)是一种不同寻常的植物,因为它有三性-雄株、雌株和雌雄同株. 番木瓜怪异的性别决定系统吸引了众多科学家的研究兴趣. 性染色体通常被认为是从常染色体进化而来的, X-Y染色体的分化是通过抑制重组实现的.

3. 瓜:泰国自然也有很多美食的,椰青(coconut)是很甜很平,木瓜(papaya)那是认为最靓最甜最平,一定要多吃,有助胸部的成长啊!泰式烧烤印度洋大鱼好吃,甜品有椰子奶昔(coconut shake)只要10baht,菠萝炒饭(pineapple fry rice)也要试试啊.

4. 怕怕呀 拍拍你的木瓜脑袋:ou 偶,我 | papaya 怕怕呀 拍拍你的木瓜脑袋 | pat 拍拍你的头,表示安慰

papaya 词典解释

1. papaya的近义词

1. 番木瓜;木瓜
    A papaya is a fruit with a green skin, sweet yellow flesh, and small black seeds. Papayas grow on trees in hot countries such as the West Indies.

papaya 单语例句

1. Add the green papaya into the soup pot together with the apricot kernels and honeyed dates.

2. papaya什么意思

2. Even beef ribs are given the herbal treatment, cooked with a vegetable mash and papaya to make it really tender.

3. papaya是什么意思

3. The green papaya salad dressed with mint is very popular and its sweet, sour and spicy flavors will wake sleepy taste buds on a hot afternoon.

4. A good appetizer is papaya preserved in passion fruit sauce, which is crisp and has a light passion fruit smell and taste.

5. Another unusual recipe is the green papaya soup with honey dates and apricot kernels.

6. " GM papaya is expected to bring significant benefits to Chinese farmers, " Huang said.

7. Papaya is the only edible GM crop ratified for commercialization in the past eight years.

8. GM papaya is resistant to the papaya ring spot virus, which has seriously threatened the crop in China.

9. For starters, the spring rolls and green papaya salad were both appealing.

10. In November, it released Papaya Game Engine among a dozen other games.

papaya 英英释义


1. large oval melon-like tropical fruit with yellowish flesh

2. tropical American shrub or small tree having huge deeply palmately cleft leaves and large oblong yellow fruit

    Synonym: papaia pawpaw papaya tree melon tree Carica papaya
