
panther [ˈpænθə(r)]  [ˈpænθɚ] 


panther 基本解释

名词美洲豹; 豹,黑豹

panther 网络解释

1. 美洲豹:德国早在1940年的VK3001坦克样车发动机上开始研制燃料喷射系统,至二次世界大战结束,采用燃料喷射系统的玛依巴赫(Maybach)公司的HL230汽油机使虎2(Tiger 2)和美洲豹(Panther)式坦克的功率从515kW提高到662kW.

2. 豹子:1、百兽之王的狮子(lion)、老虎(tiger)的叫声为响彻山林的roar(吼叫,咆哮)2、杀手型的猛兽豹子(panther)、豺(jackal)、狼(wolf)的叫声为歇斯底里的howl(嚎叫),3、体积庞大的大象(elephant)的叫声为trumpet4、忠心耿耿的狗(dog)的叫声表示方法有很多哦bark,

panther 词典解释

1. 豹;黑豹
    A panther is a large wild animal that belongs to the cat family. Panthers are usually black.

panther 单语例句


1. Real Madrid's British star David Beckham is considering an offer to play a cameo role in the forthcoming Pink Panther movie.

2. I moved like a panther over to the guy handing out contestant numbers.

3. The Pink Panther Strikes Again is a White Elephant sale of slapstick and wordplay that somehow still manages to raise a chuckle.

4. They include the Florida panther, the American crocodile and the West Indian manatee.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

5. But too much hunting, loss of panther homelands and vehicle strikes have reduced their population.

6. panther的近义词

6. " The mother panther has killed all her cubs since 1999, " zookeeper Dragan Jovanovic said.

7. Production of " The Birth of the Pink Panther " was set to begin in May ahead of its planned July 2005 release.

8. Black Panther, the mainland's top band will guest at the shows.

9. Black Panther was then China's first rock'n'roll band.

panther 英英释义


1. large American feline resembling a lion

    Synonym: cougar puma catamount mountain lion painter Felis concolor

2. panther的翻译

2. a leopard in the black color phase

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. a large spotted feline of tropical America similar to the leopard
    in some classifications considered a member of the genus Felis

    Synonym: jaguar Panthera onca Felis onca
