
pant [pænt]  [pænt] 







pant 基本解释

名词气喘; 喘气,喘息; 喷气声

不及物动词喘气,喘息; 喘着气说,气喘吁吁地讲; 热望,渴望,想; (机车等)喷气


pant 相关例句



1. She panted out the urgent message.

2. He was panting when he reached the top of the hill.

3. The dying old man panted out his last wishes.


1. Before he reached the top, he was already sweating and panting.

2. Can't you see she is panting for a part in the new play?

pant 网络解释

1. 潘特:这些人当中包括当时的内政部长潘特(Pant),他的昏愦的外表掩盖着他的严酷的内心;财政部长德赛(Morarji Desai),他自命为甘地的信徒;粮食部长萨.卡.帕蒂尔(S.K.Patil),他是孟买的国大党头子,他当粮食部长的功绩是获得了据说是取之不竭的美国剩余粮食的供应.

2. 裤子:裤长(INSEAM)标明的是胯部到脚踝,非腰部哦,一般上衣(TOP)主要看胸围(CHEST), 裤子(PANT)主要看臀围(HIP)

3. 喘息:叹息 sigh ; draw a long breath | 喘息 pant | 端坐呼吸 orthopnea

4. 气喘:3. Hyperventilate. 强力呼吸. | 4. Pant. 气喘. | 5. Make your peace. 安息吧.

pant 词典解释

1. 喘气;喘息
    If you pant, you breathe quickly and loudly with your mouth open, because you have been doing something energetic.

    e.g. She climbed rapidly until she was panting with the effort.

pant 单语例句

1. Divers watch a yellowtail damselfish nibble on algae growing from the sculpture's pant leg, which its creators hope will eventually sprout colorful coral.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

2. And all the while, his hands inched further and further below the pant level.

3. Wang said that Harbin Power Pant Equipment Group is highlighted in the restructuring process.

4. pant在线翻译

4. As parents increasingly favor " modern " ways to raise children, the split pant is rapidly disappearing.

5. The thermostat is steadily rising, as are the pant legs of taxi drivers across the city.

pant 英英释义


1. pant

1. a short labored intake of breath with the mouth open

    e.g. she gave a gasp and fainted

    Synonym: gasp

2. (usually in the plural) a garment extending from the waist to the knee or ankle, covering each leg separately

    e.g. he had a sharp crease in his trousers

    Synonym: trouser

3. the noise made by a short puff of steam (as from an engine)


1. breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted

    e.g. The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily

    Synonym: puff gasp heave

2. utter while panting, as if out of breath
