
palm [pɑ:m]  [pɑ:m] 









palm 基本解释


名词手掌; 手心; 棕榈树 ; 由Palm公司发明的一种PDA上的操作系统


palm 相关词组

1. have an itching palm : 贪财;

palm 相关例句


1. The magician palmed the coin and suddenly produced it from the boy's ear.

1. He palmed his brother off with some story or other.


1. Coconut grow on palm trees.

2. He put the insect on the palm of his hand.

3. They sat in the shade beneath the palms.

palm 网络解释

1. 手掌:前臂 (forearm) 相对,腕(wrist),手掌(palm)和手指的姿势,这里的重点是打坐时手的部位尽量保持在最自然(most natural and relax)的状态中. 例如我们站著时,整个手臂最自然的状态是双臂和手都垂下,掌心自然是向内对著自己的双腿而大拇指和四指成平面,

2. 手心:方法:手心(palm)、拇指丘内侧食指下胃脾大肠区. 4、肩酸:过度活动(movement)引起的肩部僵硬. ―――合谷穴 气喘心衰引起肩酸:食指和中指下咳喘点 生殖器官异常引起肩酸:无名指和小指根间心悸点 5、腹泻:消化不良或食物(food)变质而引起.

3. 棕榈树:视觉意象,诗中有姑娘(maids)、老妇(old wives)、小鸟(birds)、羊羔(lambs)、棕榈树(palm)、雏菊(daisies)、村舍(country houses)、田野(fields)等. 动觉意象,诗中有一些动态景象,如姑娘们舞翩跹(maids dance), 羊羔欢跃(lambs frisk and play)等.

4. 棕榈:法国昆庭 (Christofle) 品牌Palm饰品系列美国艺术家Michele Oka Doner 为法国昆庭 (Christofle) 设计了一套最新的纯银雕刻首饰--棕榈 (Palm) 系列. Michele Oka Doner 将源于自然的灵感注入其中,

palm 词典解释

1. 棕榈树
    A palm or a palm tree is a tree that grows in hot countries. It has long leaves growing at the top, and no branches.

2. 手掌
    The palm of your hand is the inside part.

    e.g. Dornberg slapped the table with the palm of his hand...
    e.g. He wiped his sweaty palm.

3. 在…的手心里;在…的完全掌控中
    If you have someone or something in the palm of your hand, you have control over them.

    e.g. Johnson thought he had the board of directors in the palm of his hand...
    e.g. They held his fate in the palms of their ancient hands.

相关词组:palm off palm off with

palm 单语例句

1. India surpassed China as the biggest buyer of palm oil last year as rising incomes increased demand for fried and processed food.

2. A heavy metal cable with wooden handles is cinched progressively higher along the palm trunk, as the pollinator shinnies skyward to the fronds.

3. palm的反义词

3. Hidden among the palm trees on the Caribbean shore, its handful of luxurious villas offer a uniquely personalized level of service.

4. palm在线翻译

4. Palm trees not only serve as a major cash crop, but also provide local people with other gifts.

5. Gorbachev then visited Reagan's casket in the Rotunda, reaching out and briefly laying his palm on it.

6. It used to do a thriving business in the sale of food from wild animals, including the masked palm civet and snake meat.

7. It's made from coffee beans that have been ingested by the Asian palm civet.

8. Despite suffering serious injuries in the initial surge of water, she managed to stay alive by clinging onto a palm tree until the flood subsided.

9. I return to my compartment, as the train passes by palm and coconut trees silhouette against the moonlight sky.

10. The pavilion adopts the color of its national flag and waiting halls take the shape of palm trees to reshape the natural scenery of Nigeria.

palm 英英释义



1. the inner surface of the hand from the wrist to the base of the fingers

    Synonym: thenar

2. an award for winning a championship or commemorating some other event

    Synonym: decoration laurel wreath medal medallion ribbon

3. any plant of the family Palmae having an unbranched trunk crowned by large pinnate or palmate leaves

    Synonym: palm tree

4. a linear unit based on the length or width of the human hand


1. touch, lift, or hold with the hands

    e.g. Don't handle the merchandise

    Synonym: handle
