
palladium [pəˈleɪdiəm]  [pə'leɪdɪrm] 

palladium 基本解释



palladium 网络解释


1. 钯:标 题: [元素的世界]--No.46 钯(Palladium)钯的常见氧化态是+2, +4,而且+2价更为常见一些,实验室里用得比较多的氯化钯(PdCl2),氧化钯(PdO)和醋酸钯(Pd(Ac)2),它们都是+2价的.

2. 守护神:既然支持TPM的大宗仍是Laptop/Desktop PC,那么Wintel的表态支持必是关键,为此Microsoft于2002年提出代号为守护神(Palladium)的安全技术,但也同样遭受质疑,以致2003年改名为次世代安全运算基础(Next-Generation Secure Computing Base;

3. 鈀 钯:45 Rh 銠 铑 Rhodium | 46 Pd 鈀 钯 Palladium | 47 Ag 銀 银 Silver

4. 金衡制英两钯价值合约:PLATINUM金衡制英两铂价值合约1000 | PALLADIUM金衡制英两钯价值合约500 | COPPER 吨铜价值合约20

palladium 单语例句

1. The Utah team claimed to have obtained better results by running an electric current through water and a lump of palladium in a jar.

2. Only recently has palladium entered the China market as a unique jewelry element, not an addition to other metals.

3. A major reconstruction of the Palladium's front of house is already underway.

4. They highlight the features of the new palladium jewelry collection and the versatile characteristics of the precious metal.

5. However, they began fabricating significant volumes of palladium jewellery during this year's first quarter.

6. palladium的近义词

6. Some domestic jewellers are considering using palladium as a jewellery making materials.

7. palladium

7. The Trevor Live event takes place on December 4 at the Hollywood Palladium and will have a host of famous faces in attendance.

8. Palladium purchases surged in March and April as wholesalers and retailers built up stocks.

palladium 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. a silver-white metallic element of the platinum group that resembles platinum
    occurs in some copper and nickel ores
    does not tarnish at ordinary temperatures and is used (alloyed with gold) in jewelry

    Synonym: Pd atomic number 46
