
painkiller [ˈpeɪnkɪlə(r)]  [ˈpenˌkɪlɚ] 


painkiller 基本解释


painkiller 网络解释


1. 止疼药:例如,好评如潮的<<止疼药>>(Painkiller),DOOM3,F.E.A.R以及即将问世的大作<<掠食>>(Prey)都属此类,看着北美同行在这一领域所取得的辉煌成绩,俄罗斯的游戏制作者终于也按捺不住了,下面要介绍的这部作品<<你是空的>>,

2. 镇痛剂:圣域( Sacred )这款来自英国 Ascaron 娱乐公司的动作 RPG 游戏依然套用了传统公式,但是..镇痛剂(Painkiller)试玩版(2004年6月12日新增)<<镇痛剂>>是一款非常简单的游戏,但是它将许多非常好的因素很好的结合在了一起,

painkiller 词典解释

1. 止痛药
    A painkiller is a drug which reduces or stops physical pain.

painkiller 单语例句

1. painkiller的反义词

1. Among the items were syringes, the powerful painkiller Demerol and other prescription drugs.

2. painkiller在线翻译

2. Additional drugs detected in Jackson's system were the sedatives midazolam and diazepam, the painkiller lidocaine and the stimulant ephedrine.

3. Guan first bought the drug Dolantin from his friend to use as a painkiller.

4. She allegedly failed a field sobriety test and authorities said she told them she had smoked marijuana and taken a prescription painkiller.

5. They want to determine how much propofol and painkiller lidocaine were in the items.

6. painkiller的意思

6. Prosecutors had said he illegally deceived multiple doctors to get overlapping painkiller prescriptions.

7. painkiller的反义词

7. You can't just say that you have a headache and pop a painkiller.

8. Ferrero nearly withdrew because of bruised ribs before the tournament and played only after receiving painkiller injections.

9. The same witness also said Woods had been prescribed two drugs, the sleep aid Ambien and the painkiller Vicodin.

10. Pfizer said it had no plans to pull the painkiller off the market.

painkiller 英英释义


1. painkiller

1. a medicine used to relieve pain

    Synonym: analgesic anodyne pain pill
