
pagoda [pəˈgəʊdə]  [pəˈgoʊdə] 



pagoda 基本解释



pagoda 相关词组


1. shake the pagoda tree : 暴发致富;

pagoda 网络解释


1. 佛塔:长久以来,缅甸境内就有很多优美的佛塔(pagoda),高耸的塔尖表现出人类追求最崇高精神目标的志向. 它们特殊的造型象征解脱的道路,佛陀的教导. 缅甸佛塔中最有名且备受崇敬的就是位于首都仰光,闻名全球的苏达岗(Shwedagon)大佛塔.

2. 塔:第三份报纸为<<高塔>>(Pagoda)英文刊,是唯一一份由华人创办的英语周报. 它是由郑丁才(英文名为Charles T. Chang)于1940年3月16日创办的. 郑丁才才华横溢,极富组织才能,也曾创办华人俱乐部. 由于这份周报刊登的是有关华人社区的报道和在牙买加生活的新闻,

3. 塔,佛塔:high altar 祭坛 | pagoda 塔,佛塔 | choir 唱诗班

pagoda 词典解释

1. (尤指佛教中的)塔,宝塔
    A pagoda is a tall building which is used for religious purposes, especially by Buddhists, in China, Japan, and South-East Asia. Pagodas are usually very highly decorated.

pagoda 单语例句

1. pagoda的近义词

1. The estate includes a red English telephone booth and English garden, as well as a red Chinese gate and cedar pagoda.

2. All residents from the county turn up at the pagoda and walk clockwise around the building.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

3. Besides the marble construction of the diamond throne pagoda, the temple complex also contains a number of wooden buildings.

4. pagoda的翻译

4. The fats at the top of the " food pagoda " should comprise the smallest percentage of our daily diet.

5. The Shanghai Daily reports that the pagoda will be opened to the public on September 21 and 22 as well as October first to third.

6. The pagoda was designed to lock disaster dragon and protect the embankment from flood when it was built.

7. The pagoda features a veranda with banisters, yet is entirely solid with no hollow inside or staircase as some pagodas feature.

8. pagoda什么意思

8. The trail takes you down the mountain gradually, past the charming Esoteric Spot Pagoda and weaves its way under the shady canopies.

9. pagoda的解释

9. Many consider the pagoda to be the oldest and largest of all extant wooden structures.

10. pagoda的意思

10. According to the introduction in Zhou Zhongqi Pagoda Pilgrimage, the images of pagodas often surround the pagoda on foggy days.

pagoda 英英释义


1. 911查询·英语单词

1. an Asian temple
    usually a pyramidal tower with an upward curving roof
