
pabulum ['pæbjʊləm]  ['pæbjələm] 

pabulum 基本解释


名词精神食粮; 食物; 燃料; 平淡而无味的文章(或想法)

pabulum 网络解释

1. 营养:P.O.Box 邮政信箱 | pabulum 营养 | pace out 用步子测

2. 食粮,食品,饲料:olderly food 老年人食品 | pabulum 食粮,食品,饲料 | packing 充填物;食品加工业;填充;填料

3. 食物/营养/精神食粮:pabsite /锡钡钛石/ | pabulum /食物/营养/精神食粮/ | pacatal /甲哌啶嗪/

4. 精神食粮:精神错乱的:Delirious;Delirium(n.Mental Disorder;Insanity;Insane;Mania;Deranged | 精神食粮:Pabulum | 精通(于):Be well versed in

pabulum 双语例句

1. Red resources which contain patriotism and painstaking efforts are indispensible pabulum for minor people.

2. In the long history of inspirational pabulum, " follow your passion " has got to be the worst.

3. I'd like to stay in library and dedicate myself into pabulum rather than talk about others'love story with friends in dorm.

4. The development and breakthrough in internal medicine of TCM and other clinical subjects of TCM will be acquired by studying and exploring Jin kui yao lue and other classical books of TCM, and absorbing pabulum and raising problems from them.

5. All they will be pabulum of your life.


6. So few people here are truly able to think, able to see beyondthe pabulum whipped up by the government.

7. Some books are over-hyped pabulum, and there`s no need to feel guilty if you got caught up in the hype.


8. Well, realism is not a rule unchanged all the time and it has its own principle and standard, but it is an open and developing system taking in pabulum from the social reality and continuously learning from new art forms and creations that can upgrade and enrich it.

pabulum 英英释义



1. insipid intellectual nourishment

2. pabulum

2. any substance that can be used as food

    Synonym: comestible edible eatable victual victuals
