
owl [aʊl]  [aʊl] 



owl 基本解释


名词猫头鹰; 夜猫子; 惯于晚上活动的人; (像猫头鹰一样)机警的人

owl 相关词组


1. take the owl : 发火, 生气;

2. as drunk as a boiled owl : 烂醉如泥;

owl 相关例句


1. Don't be such a silly owl.

owl 网络解释

1. 鹰:泡 泡(bubble) 可增加装备水气球的数量 力量水(fluid) 增加炸开来的水流长度 旱冰鞋(roller) 角色的移动速度加快 大力丸(ultra) 大水流的水气球拳 套(glove) 可以扔水泡的物品 运动鞋(shoes) 可以踢水泡的物品 隐身衣(ghost) 使其他人很难看清自己 乌龟(turtle) 可以骑,但是速度变慢 猫头鹰(owl) 可以骑,速度稍微

2. 头鹰:時值伯羅奔尼撒戰爭(Peloponnesian War)時期.四德拉克馬銀幣(Tetradrachm), 重17.14g. 正面:雅典娜(Athena)女神杏眼側視,頭戴裝飾有冠毛及橄欖枝的阿提卡式頭盔像. 背面:一頭貓頭鷹(Owl)旁有一彎勾月及橄欖枝, 幣文:雅典人民的(of the Athenians).

3. 枭,猫头鹰:otter 水獭 | owl 枭,猫头鹰 | ox 牛

4. owl:ordinary water level; 正常水位

5. owl:online writing lab; (英文)在线写作实验室

6. owl:object windows library; 适用“视窗” 的对象库(博兰德公司 C++创建)

owl 词典解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. 猫头鹰;鸮
    An owl is a bird with a flat face, large eyes, and a small sharp beak. Most owls obtain their food by hunting small animals at night.

owl 单语例句

1. Huang said he has contacted the local animal protection center officials, who would come to take away the owl soon.

2. An owl accidentally flew into a resident's house in Chongqing municipality and refused to eat for almost a week.

3. That continued up until the day people discovered that an owl living inside the tree's hollow trunk was the source of its voice.

4. In the coalfields of eastern Kentucky, it's known as the hoot owl shift.

5. The owl returned on the same day a year later and hatched four more offspring.

6. Whether you are an owl or a lark, the market is definitely worth visiting.

7. Sean bought his first owl ornament while in college in the US, made of copper.

8. The bird turned out to be an eagle owl, a protected species.

9. Officials also found 319 owl carcasses and 22 paws of the protected Malayan sun bear, he said.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. A truck driver found a small owl hiding under his truck late last week.

owl 英英释义



1. nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes

    Synonym: bird of Minerva bird of night hooter
