
oversupply ['əʊvəsə'plaɪ]  ['oʊvəsə'plaɪ] 





oversupply 基本解释



oversupply 网络解释


1. 过度供应:去年秋天才刚上任协会会长,期间带团到亚洲,在半导体业已有数十年,林乔伟指出,半导体基本上已走到成熟阶段,2008年因金融风暴产值仅有2612亿,2009年肯定是负成长,存在着供需不平衡,也就是市场需求量和供应失调,造成过度供应(Oversupply)的问题.

2. 供大于求:关系民生的产品 products vital to the people's livelihood | 供大于求 oversupply | 供不应求 short supply

3. 过度供给 供给过多:overall 全部的、全面的 | oversupply 过度供给;供给过多 | overwhelm 淹没、覆没、受打击、制服

4. 供应过剩:oversupplied products 长线产品 | oversupply 供应过剩 | overswing 过摆

oversupply 单语例句

1. The government has detailed plans to curb excess capacity since the nation faces severe oversupply.

2. China plans to eliminate 35 million tons of outdated steel production capacity this year to save energy and prevent an oversupply in the domestic market.

3. But the more demanding task is to come up with targeted employment measures to address both the structural problem and the overall oversupply of laborers.

4. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index plunged 68 percent from its peak in mid October amid fears over oversupply of shares and economic slowdown.

5. oversupply

5. That will also end the global iron ore shortage, and the consequent oversupply will weigh on iron ore prices.

6. Oversupply and weak demand in most industries often leads to significant industry consolidation where mergers and acquisitions as well as closures often result.

7. The central bank said that China's consumer goods would be in oversupply in the future period.

8. This was caused by the overproduction and oversupply of China's consumer goods.

9. " Generally China's consumer goods would be in oversupply in the future, " it said.

10. Conversely, such rapid investment creates risks of oversupply in the near future.

oversupply 英英释义


1. the quality of being so overabundant that prices fall

    Synonym: glut surfeit


1. supply with an excess of

    e.g. flood the market with tennis shoes
           Glut the country with cheap imports from the Orient

    Synonym: flood glut
